但系想录番个 sound driver 果阵唔知出左咩问题。。。
出现左下面一幅图,之后 restart 后都系无声。。。(图1)
它唔系 play得但系无声,家阵它系无声又唔 play得。。。 (图2 & 图3)
它好似 detect唔到个 sound card,(图4)
但系我个sound card 系连住 mother board 架嚄。。。
[[i] Last edited by Maxson85 on 2007-12-29 at 02:01 AM [/i]] 洗完機正常黎講係要用返一個你張音效卡既軟件黎推動返張卡先至有聲嫁喎 go to your Motherboard Manufacturer's website and download the driver of your motherboard....
don't use the original driver of your windows cd [quote]Originally posted by [i]slwong3[/i] at 2007-12-29 06:55 AM:
go to your Motherboard Manufacturer's website and download the driver of your motherboard....
don't use the original driver of your windows cd [/quote]
oh yeah~last time i format my computer i have download the ASUS driver,
thats why i cant heard any sound~~~
i settle it already~thanks for help ya~:clap::D:win: