[url]http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=RBdxARINWok[/url] 好勁..又傳得靚..又高..唔洗跳都搶到板-.- 當年係籃底無咩幾個守到o neal........佢又有3分同做pick ability......
不過真係好慢..... 勁過姚明好多, 起碼唔會俾 5'9 o既人 block 到 ah:D [quote]Originally posted by [i]76[/i] at 2008-4-21 01:43:
當年係籃底無咩幾個守到o neal........
佢又有3分同做pick ability......
不過真係好慢..... [/quote]
remember he get serious injury before he'd be joining NBA.....
that's why he'd be really SLOW...... [quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2008-4-21 02:10 PM:
remember he get serious injury before he'd be joining NBA.....
that's why he'd be really SLOW...... [/quote]
據小弟了解 , 佢係盛年同大衛羅賓遜 , 曾國際賽場上碰頭 ,
而且是由他大勝 , 以他那輩計(o'neal應該算少他一輩) ,
他能勝大衛羅賓遜 , 伊榮應該也一樣 , 就是他和奧拉祖雲同級了~~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]e_e[/i] at 2008-4-21 23:36:
據小弟了解 , 佢係盛年同大衛羅賓遜... [/quote]
Are you talking about Olympics 88?!;) [quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2008-4-21 14:10:
remember he get serious injury before he'd be joining NBA.....
that's why he'd be really SLOW...... [/quote]
如果佢一路健康就真係有Ewing、The Dream咁勁.....
有冇人記得佢仲識射three???:D:D:D [quote]Originally posted by [i]feuosma[/i] at 2008-4-21 10:49 PM:
係呀.....而且入左NBA後都仲keep... [/quote]
我本想搵埋 "帶域" , 可惜唔知佢英文名~~:haha: [quote]Originally posted by [i]e_e[/i] at 2008-4-22 07:35 PM:
我本想搵埋 "帶域" , 可惜唔知佢英文名~~:haha: [/quote]
vlade divac 等我出d再遠古d既先~~
[url]http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=D8KI5tGCMtQ[/url] Bill Walton is American......
Moses Malone is American too....:(
[[i] Last edited by brightlee on 2008-4-22 at 10:53 PM [/i]] 都係沙邦尼詩最勁,佢籃球的基本功真係比好多美國本土球員好似還要好好多。佢唔花考傳ball,team work同射波命中率都好好,所以一定係佢走唔到ga la~
謝謝分享咁珍貴o既片段~ "Okur都好全面 [quote]Originally posted by [i]cfccfcc[/i] at 2008-4-23 13:49:
"Okur都好全面 [/quote]
Okur is like a shooter...his passing skills, vision, cannot compare to Divac, or Sabonis class...
not even sufficient to compare with C-Webb or Brad Miller~~
but he has potential to become one of them~~ 嘩,手感超好,d勾手呀,放籃,看似論盡,實際係唔少野,重有3分...
完來90年代有d咁ge勁中鋒,勁! tim duncan
200x 年先入席usa ga~~;) [quote]Originally posted by [i]cfccfcc[/i] at 2008-4-23 13:49:
"Okur都好全面 [/quote]
唔好以為內外兼備就叫全面la 90's的非洲第二中鋒