(星島日報 報道)迄今已執教了曼聯 接近二十二年的領隊費格遜 ,據其親友透露,該名老帥已作出退休決定,將於來季季尾交出紅魔帥印,結束領隊生涯。其親友更表示費爵爺本來更有意在今季季尾為紅魔完成「雙冠王」壯舉後功成身退。多年來一直已有傳費格遜會退休,然而根據其一位密友日前透露,該名年屆六十六歲的領隊最近已向一眾親友證實,將會在下季季尾完結後退休。這名密友表示:「他近期與妻子及家人不斷討論這個問題,已經有了退休的念頭,更可能會在下季季尾退休,但他暫時不會給大家一個確實日期。」
他更指費格遜本來有意在今季季尾為紅魔奪得聯賽及歐聯 錦標後功成身退,但最終卻打消了念頭。而費格遜本人則承認考慮過退休:「毫無疑問,我已有退休的計畫。」
走左 助教頂上? [quote]Originally posted by [i]0000001[/i] at 2008-4-21 11:19:
(星島日報 報道)迄今已執教了曼聯 ... [/quote]
i think it's doesnt matter for a double or triple...the main trophy is Champions League trophy...he wants to become the real legend of legnd in Man Utd...to run over Sir Matt Busby's record...as they are only level with one CL trophy...If SAF could get another CL trophy, he will really become the legend in ManUtd~~and definitely get retire after that~~ yahoo體育..............:giveup: But i just heard that he renewed his contract for another 3 years last week He definately already a legend in Manchester United history...
even a legend in English Football's history as well...
:clap::clap::clap: 實冇
睇黎佢可以繼續教 :naughty: [quote]Originally posted by [i]jsp[/i] at 2008-4-21 01:10 PM:
He definately already a legend in Manchester United history...
even a legend in English Football's history as well...
:clap::clap::clap: [/quote]
好靚仔呀..hahahahah 費sir離開比C7離開對曼聯成績有更大影響:crybye: 我想睇費sir教其他波, 唔好退休呀 好正wor~張相,有d車頭feel!:dev::dev:
我諗費sir想同個仔掉轉教下!! :photo:
[[i] Last edited by 也媽嗲 on 2008-4-21 at 09:41 PM [/i]] 如果佢堅持甘樣......我估佢都有排唔駛退休!:D 都應該啦,年紀都唔細,身體要緊~~~ 二十二年...希望費sir唔好收山住...