因為受傷回家鄉養傷的羅納度,周一晚在他一家夜總會帶著3名應名女郎離開。 但到了汽車旅館後才發現他們都是男人。他本來打算給每人一千雷亞爾打發了事, 但只有兩人願意接受。中央社( 翻譯)
發現3人全是變性人,羅納度雖然當場反悔,還是一人給近2萬台幣,要求對方別把事情張揚出去,但遭其中一人拒絕,女子表示羅納度就語出威脅。 不過根據警方說法,不肯拿錢的女子獅子大開口,要羅納度付台幣約90萬。警方:「他(羅納度)說他付3個人錢上旅館,他了錢給2人,另一人堅持要這個數字(約3萬美金)。」 買春不成,反而上了新聞,曾贏過3次足球先生的羅納度,今年運氣很背,加入義大利AC米蘭隊後,2月膝蓋嚴重受傷回到巴西老家養傷。
而報案的變性女子,還說羅納度表示嫌日子太悶,才找上她們;目前單身的羅納度,近年來在球場上表現平平,還不斷鬧出負面新聞,這起被控威脅的召妓風波,恐怕也是因為太出名,樹大招風! 堅唔堅呀:eek::eek::eek: [quote]Originally posted by [i]head[/i] at 2008-4-29 11:57 PM:
堅唔堅呀:eek::eek::eek: [/quote]
堅架~~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]e_e[/i] at 2008-4-29 11:58 PM:
堅架~~ [/quote]
堅唔堅呀 ~ :haha::dev: [quote]Originally posted by [i]ckyckk[/i] at 2008-4-30 12:00 AM:
堅唔堅呀 ~ :haha::dev: [/quote]
yahoo新聞來的 [quote]Originally posted by [i]e_e[/i] at 2008-4-30 00:04:
yahoo新聞來的 [/quote]
咁就=堅? :o:o:o [quote]Originally posted by [i]head[/i] at 2008-4-30 12:07 AM:
咁就=堅? :o:o:o [/quote]
幾多 page ? :dev: [quote]Originally posted by [i]ckyckk[/i] at 2008-4-30 00:15:
幾多 page ? :dev: [/quote]
15~20 page :haha::haha::haha: [quote]Originally posted by [i]head[/i] at 2008-4-30 12:19 AM:
15~20 page :haha::haha::haha: [/quote]
:D:D:dev::gun: [quote]Originally posted by [i]ckyckk[/i] at 2008-4-30 00:20:
:D:D:dev::gun: [/quote]
[color=White]其實你up乜[/color]:dev::dev::dev: [quote]Originally posted by [i]head[/i] at 2008-4-30 12:21 AM:
[color=White]其實你up乜[/color]:dev::dev::dev: [/quote]
:secret: e_e :clap::dev: [url]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/customavatars/29044.gif[/url] 羅納度:eek::haha: [quote]Originally posted by [i]ckyckk[/i] at 2008-4-30 00:24:
:secret: e_e :clap::dev: [/quote]
:gun::gun::gun: [quote]Originally posted by [i]mhkk[/i] at 2008-4-30 00:25:
羅納度:eek::haha: [/quote]
腦殘完喇;););) [url]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/customavatars/34191.gif[/url] [url]http://soccernet.espn.go.com/news/story?id=530157&cc=4716[/url]
[size=5]Ronaldo claims bribery by transvestite hooker[/size]
Police are investigating claims by AC Milan striker Ronaldo that a transvestite prostitute sought to extort money from him following an altercation at a Rio de Janeiro motel.
Police inspector Carlos Augusto Nogueira said that Ronaldo, who is recuperating from a knee injury in his homeland, contracted the services of three transvestites - believing them to be women - and took them to a motel.
However, Ronaldo is then said to have tried to get out of the situation after one of the men went in search of drugs.
Two of them accepted pay-offs of 1,000 reais (US 600), but Ronaldo has claimed that the third, named as Andreia Albertini, demanded 50,000 reais (US 30,000) and threatened to post a video on the internet if he was not paid.
The police also said that the transvestites have claimed that Ronaldo threatened to hurt them.
Nogueira said that Ronaldo had not committed any crimes by contracting the men, but he is looking into other claims.
'He just wanted to have fun and meet some other people outside his usual environment,' Nogueira said. 'There is no crime at all.'
He added: 'He (Ronaldo) is quite shocked. He said he just wanted to have some fun and for the press not to be informed about this.
'Ronaldo told me he is suffering some psychological problems as a result of his injury.' [quote]Originally posted by [i]head[/i] at 2008-4-30 12:26 AM:
完喇;););) [/quote]
你腦殘:haha: [quote]Originally posted by [i]mhkk[/i] at 2008-4-30 00:44:
我腦殘:haha: [/quote]
up緊圖:haha::naughty::dev::secret::secret: [quote]Originally posted by [i]head[/i] at 2008-4-30 12:47 AM:
緊圖:haha::naughty::dev::secret::secret: [/quote]