Tottenham Hotspur home kit 08/09
[img][/img][size=5]搞到咁單調 ?![/size] :haha:
[[i] Last edited by jordi on 2008-5-3 at 01:57 PM [/i]] 官網
都未出...唔好點人喎 Tottenham Hotspur kit 08/09
From left: Jonathan Woodgate, Danny Rose, Robbie Keane, Tomas Pekhart, Jermaine Jenas, Troy Archibald-Henville
Robbie Keane in the new home kit
Jermaine Jenas and Danny Rose in the new away kit
Jonathan Woodgate and Troy Archibald-Henville in the new third kit
Robbie Keane and Tomas Pekhart in the new home kit
video of kit launch
The senior squad will wear the new home kit for the last game of the season against Liverpool on Sunday. 重係「明陞」?哈哈 quite old skool [quote]Originally posted by [i]iknow[/i] at 2008-5-7 11:50 PM:
重係「明陞」?哈哈 [/quote]
係咪覺得當年曼聯, 明知佢地出多d錢都唔制既決定係好英明呢? :dev: **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 麻麻地....太簡單了