NBA 今屆大家心目中的MVP
暫時為止你地覺得今屆最應該囉MVP 係邊個?我比覺鐘意占士, 真係一人之力支撐起成隊波 [quote]Originally posted by [i]tk83[/i] at 2008-5-30 02:14 PM:
暫時為止你地覺得今屆最應該囉MVP 係邊個?
我比覺鐘意占士, 真係一人之力支撐起成隊波 [/quote]
我覺得無咩理由唔係kobe~~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]e_e[/i] at 2008-5-30 02:16 PM:
我覺得無咩理由唔係kobe~~ [/quote]
LA kobe 今年有Gasol 分擔的確好搶鏡:love: 我會揀[b][color=Blue]KG~加尼特[/color][/b]:cheers:
[[i] Last edited by 也媽嗲 on 2008-5-30 at 03:55 PM [/i]] 更系KOBE 啦```唔使问```正``` KG!!!!! 其實最好俾kobe啦...佢今年打得好
但又想俾加奈特...話哂佢含冤已久...當補償... CHRIS PAUL [quote]Originally posted by [i]tk83[/i] at 2008-5-30 02:27 PM:
LA kobe 今年有Gasol 分擔的確好搶鏡:love: [/quote]
咁占士都有ben **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** if just see the regular seasons, kobe, CP3 and king james all look good,
kobe deserved for the mvp title as for his mental maturity and the leading ability in the team,
CP3 undoubtedly the best PG in the conference now, but he is still young and he will be one superstar...
king james, he is strong, fast and powerful, very all round, he can be the savior for the team, but he'snot yet a good leader, still have to improve to be the real mvp.
but after seeing playoffs, kobe is surely the mvp, he lead lakers so well, and several back comeback in the conference finals with spurs, he can score anywhere on the field, high mental stability, the most important is, he is not just the savior himself, but a very very good leader to lakers, kb8, you're the man! 勝者為王 這是千年不變定理
所以今屆MVP是KOBE合情合理 如果唔係kobe都幾難服眾......,但係如果你淨計常規賽cp3都係一個唔錯o既人選 KOBE VS KG Kobe 萬歲~
加油~加油~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]andylauo[/i] at 2008-6-1 11:06 AM:
Kobe 萬歲~
加油~加油~ [/quote]
可能大家會有d接受唔到 , 但我仍然覺得 ... 佢其實超越左mj !!!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]e_e[/i] at 2008-6-1 03:58 PM:
可能大家會有d接受唔到 , 但我仍然覺得 ... 佢其實超越左mj !!!! [/quote]
射3分好過MJ...... [quote]Originally posted by [i]e_e[/i] at 2008-6-1 03:58 PM:
可能大家會有d接受唔到 , 但我仍然覺得 ... 佢其實超越左mj !!!! [/quote]
我唔敢話佢勁過mj,可能因為我睇得jordan少同埋我捧lakers,我覺得kobe既得分板斧多過jordan, eg: 背籃,三分,而佢過去一直冇mud既leadership亦都愈黎愈好,如果佢餘下既職業生涯可以帶領湖人攞多幾次總冠軍的話,到佢退休嗰時相信好多人都認為佢已經最起碼同mj係同一個level i think is kobe,, 我最鐘意paul pierce!