歐洲隊踢歐國盃定世界盃難攞冠軍d?世界盃小組出線好似容易d,之後再入八強又可能對弱隊,對強隊有利~~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]morikanekkk[/i] at 2008-6-13 11:48 PM:
世界盃小組出線好似容易d,之後再入八強又可能對弱隊,對強隊有利~~ [/quote]
all your points, could be true, depending on the luck of the team. 除了南美洲(3)和歐洲的國家贏過世界杯,基本上多數強隊都在歐洲。但無論是16還是32隊,當然要有實力和成功的策略。但抽籤運氣還是不能少。難不難,沒多大區別 照計個或然率就梗係世界盃難D Logically, if all the strong teams are playing as good as they should be, they would just all qualify their respective groups in World Cup and they would be facing each other afterwards.
World Cup also includes the strong teams from South America like Brazil, Argentina and Mexico...and there are more matches to play in World Cup. Therefore, it is harder to win the champion in World Cup.
However, if those "strong" teams are not playing well like what Italy and France did in their first games...then no matter which cup they play, they still won't be able to win.... 梗係歐國盃難d 啦
世界盃有亞洲非洲南北美洲弱隊, 全部都唔及歐洲二線球隊, 同埋歐洲球隊好有實力, 要打和都唔係易 [quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2008-6-14 03:58 AM:
梗係歐國盃難d 啦
世界盃有亞洲非洲南北美洲弱隊, 全部都唔及歐洲二線球隊, 同埋歐洲球隊好有實力, 要打和都唔係易 [/quote]
超....打到8強d弱隊都冇得7788la~~~ [size=4]個問題應該是歐洲隊踢歐國盃定世界盃難攞好成績d?[/size] **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]zxc3201163[/i] at 2008-6-14 04:11 AM:
超....打到8強d弱隊都冇得7788la~~~ [/quote]
如果對著巴西,阿根廷,尼日利亞,科特廸亞,喀麥隆又易唔易打呢?!?! 世杯難d, 因為參賽隊都多一倍, 即係攞冠軍比賽都多一場
歐洲杯就只係歐洲度打, 氣候唔同都有個普...
世界杯就唔同, 歐洲人分分鐘要黎亞洲呢d濕熱地方....更難 just rmb last world cup
italy vs s.korea
italy away
surely world cup difficult 世界盃...因為歐洲盃100%係"歐洲隊"拎:dev:(玩野:kicking:)