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禾確特 發表於 2008-6-24 06:16 PM

C Ronaldo 最新消息

皇馬想係7 月7 日宣佈簽到C 朗
Real Madrid intend to announce the signing of Cristiano Ronaldo on 7 July. (Marca 0819 BST)

但係皇馬又唔想要俾8000 萬磅先簽到佢喎
Real Madrid say they will not pay the £80m figure that has been estimated for the Manchester United star. (The Sun)

曼聯想唔賣但又唔用C 朗o既做法應該行唔通因為國際足協有條例話如果有球員打唔足一定場數o既比賽的話係可以毁約的
United's threat to let Ronaldo 'rot' in the stands can't happen as Fifa rules state players can rip up their contracts if they don't play a certain amount of games. (Various)

C 朗驚緊番到曼聯要面對費爵
Ronaldo is dreading returning to Manchester and facing manager Sir Alex Ferguson. (Daily Mirror)

為左可以遲d 先番英國, C 朗要放埋假先去做佢o既足部手術
The Portuguese winger has delayed a foot operation to go on holiday, further delaying his return to England. (The Independent)

[[i] Last edited by 禾確特 on 2008-6-24 at 06:38 PM [/i]]

mk政 發表於 2008-6-24 06:22 PM

佢就唔知點好 番到曼一定比人串到佢狗咁

Edgar_Davids 發表於 2008-6-24 06:25 PM

[b][size=5][color=Blue]Please post in here, thank you.[/color][/size][/b]


[b][color=Green]PS: £80m = 8000萬磅呀...:hitwall::hitwall:[/color][/b]

[[i] Last edited by Edgar_Davids on 2008-6-24 at 06:29 PM [/i]]

禾確特 發表於 2008-6-24 06:40 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar_Davids[/i] at 2008-6-24 06:25 PM:
[b][size=5][color=Blue]Please post ... [/quote]

copy 左喇!!

麻煩你幫我delete post 啦!!

fkualexander 發表於 2008-6-24 07:28 PM

我覺得既然C 朗咁想走,就唔好驚緊番到曼聯要面對費爵
不過曼聯留住個變左心既人 ,自己都冇癮
一陣C 朗走唔到, C 朗自己都唔知點好

Edgar_Davids 發表於 2008-6-24 07:48 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]禾確特[/i] at 24-6-2008 18:40:
copy 左喇!!

麻煩你幫我delete post 啦!! [/quote]

[b][size=5][color=Blue]Post will be locked. :)[/color][/size][/b]

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