[分享恐佈片]Youtuber !! (架恐佈)
[size=5]Hello youtuber !!大家也有去youtube看過片吧~
I want to play a game
The topic are all around ''恐佈'' , find out [color=Red]one[/color] film you think it is [color=Red]most[/color] ''恐佈'' , and share the link !!!
今次個主題係找出你認為最恐佈的[color=Red]一條[/color]片 , 然後post 出黎分享下 , 如果能夠嚇親人或者版主 , 版主就會扣你分:lol:[/size]
[[i] Last edited by coolala2005 on 2008-6-27 at 02:46 AM [/i]]
1993年九廣鐵路廣告 - 火車鬧鬼[url]http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=8RCufKssHOA&NR=1[/url] [quote]Originally posted by [i]playbr2[/i] at 2008-6-26 07:00 PM:
1993年九廣鐵路廣告 - 火車鬧鬼
[url]http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=8RCufKssHOA&NR=1[/url] [/quote]
但當我聽完背後個件事之後依傢再睇都有少少心寒 [quote]Originally posted by [i]sky308[/i] at 07:16 PM:
但當我聽完背後個件事之後依傢再睇都有少少心寒 [/quote]
我聽過個故事有兩個版本.... [quote]Originally posted by [i]playbr2[/i] at 2008-6-26 07:00 PM:
1993年九廣鐵路廣告 - 火車鬧鬼
[url]http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=8RCufKssHOA&NR=1[/url] [/quote]
yea, I still remember I have watched that commercial when I was a kid.
No one thought there was a problem until someone found out there was actually 1 more "kid" at the end of the line....
At that time, all the newspaper and TV shows talked about it and at the end, the KCR company took out the commercial. [quote]Originally posted by [i]sky308[/i] at 2008-6-26 07:16 PM:
但當我聽完背後個件事之後依傢再睇都有少少心寒 [/quote]
特別是佢d 火車氣笛聲...... [quote]Originally posted by [i]slwong3[/i] at 07:59 PM:
yea, I still remember I have wa... [/quote]
e個係第二個版本:agree: [quote]Originally posted by [i]sky308[/i] at 2008-6-26 07:16 PM:
但當我聽完背後個件事之後依傢再睇都有少少心寒 [/quote]
我唔係好明:confused: 有次睇完明珠台個20/20, 講關於交通意外後的一宗惡行............
自問大膽,試下用 google 去 search "Porsche girl" 圖片,
嚇親米扣我分!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]benson00[/i] at 2008-6-26 09:05 PM:
有次睇完明珠台個20/20, 講關於交通意... [/quote]
一定要google:confused: [quote]Originally posted by [i]benson00[/i] at 09:05 PM:
有次睇完明珠台個20/20, 講關於交通意... [/quote]
有冇條片既link ? [quote]Originally posted by [i]playbr2[/i] at 2008-6-26 09:11 PM:
有冇條片既link ? [/quote]
所以如你想嘔一大難餐,自己考慮清楚...:hitwall: [quote]Originally posted by [i]benson00[/i] at 2008-6-26 09:05 PM:
有次睇完明珠台個20/20, 講關於交通意... [/quote]
堅定流呀 ??
真係好恐怖 ?? [quote]Originally posted by [i]benson00[/i] at 09:31 PM:
所以如你想嘔一大難餐,自己考慮清楚...:hitwall: [/quote]
post 就 post 啦 =.= [url]http://www.nikkicatsouras.net/[/url]
here is the website
some body please upload the video cause i cannot watch...i don know y... [url]http://dancehallreggae.com/forum/showthread.php?t=135260[/url]
d片要 dl code and install .... 我費事中毒,冇dl [quote]Originally posted by [i]playbr2[/i] at 2008-6-26 09:54 PM:
d片要 dl code and install .... 我費事中毒,冇dl [/quote]
D 相已超恐怖,睇埋片仲晤驚到你死???:crybye::crybye::crybye: [quote]Originally posted by [i]playbr2[/i] at 2008-6-26 09:54 PM:
d片要 dl code and install .... 我費事中毒,冇dl [/quote]
Download緊:) [quote]Originally posted by [i]benson00[/i] at 2008-6-26 10:02 PM:
D 相已超恐怖,睇埋片仲晤驚到你死???:crybye::crybye::crybye: [/quote]
睇完...無咩野啊... 我有d 五級添啦!!! 只怕唔post 得上來!!! 俾住少少野你地睇
p.s. 如果可以post , 咁post pics link 得唔得先?
[[i] Last edited by playbr2 on 2008-6-27 at 02:45 AM [/i]]