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exciting 發表於 2008-10-4 05:45 PM

AVG Free 8.0 好唔好......

我原先用緊 AVG Free 7.5....
早排話7.5己無得更新...要轉 8.0

不過初初見有人話AVG Free 8.0 在 fat32 既電腦唔work...又有人話慢...好似問題多多,最重要我係fat32...所以一直無轉 8.0...keep住用7.5

請問知唔知而家 8.0 fix好未?fat32.用唔用到ga?

slwong3 發表於 2008-10-4 05:50 PM

.......are you talking about fat32 partition?

why don't you change it to NTFS?

beingkilled 發表於 2008-10-4 06:55 PM

AVG 8 free 可以用在FAT32的partition, 冇問題

exciting 發表於 2008-10-5 10:05 AM

[quote]原帖由 [i]slwong3[/i] 於 2008-10-4 05:50 PM 發表 [url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=2882123&ptid=191676][img]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
.......are you talking about fat32 partition?

why don't you change it to NTFS? [/quote]

because my computer is very very  old......win98 computer...

recently, add some ram & installed XP.
Computer shop did that for me.  
I don't know why it's still fat 32........

exciting 發表於 2008-10-5 10:14 AM

[quote]原帖由 [i]beingkilled[/i] 於 2008-10-4 06:55 PM 發表 [url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=2882161&ptid=191676][img]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
AVG 8 free 可以用在FAT32的partition, 冇問題 [/quote]

thank you ...慢唔慢ga?
因我部老爺機....total 得368 ram....
if insatll左...但搞到部機勁慢...就要uninstall....
又有人話 AVG8 好難uninstall...清唔晒..


beingkilled 發表於 2008-10-5 08:30 PM

以一般user用WinXP, 我唔覺行NTFS一定比FAT32好, 或者一定要行NTFS, 但我都會有一個Partition係NTFS, 為左可以放大過4GB的file

AVG 8 用落同7差唔多, 都唔係快

topdog00 發表於 2008-10-6 01:56 PM

its better to upgrade

fcukyoukelly 發表於 2008-10-6 10:11 PM

my friend says AVG 8.0 is fine,
but he and I would prefer NOD32/spyware doctor

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