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自由神 發表於 2008-10-9 12:31 AM

Hapi Birthday~John Lennon~

,Y4VH'QZ 佢話俾大家聽最美麗既世界應該係點既 I-N9n$yg&z&Ly
佢話俾大家聽最純潔既愛應該係點既-b7Tv#k'O r1ld
G5r/A4uDL*A9o Q $_w G mb2hH
Love & Peace....I miss you John.... g] o H;yg1N uVNr

"b@DtH:?'Ky0K [color=#ffccff][b][color=red][i][u][size=5]Imagine[/size][/u][/i]   John Lennon[/color]1b qH1R4h C5N Kb

;|&a%M | \{ [/b][/color]Imagine there's no heaven
g IJsb&U It's easy if you try
-wY\dl1E*H No hell below us
||&F2Z*yF [ LdN Above us only sky
+P I&pd_!x8Ec:x7U Imagine all the people Q(HCZ TV$kfm&X
Living for today… 4{5zA^#ug1D+fQuAp(E
Imagine there's no countries
3@dFRr It isn't hard to do
X;l$]/h0z Nothing to kill or die for
(nI\8IFZAnl'JZ And no religion too x#Gnfpk-a9S] Z
Imagine all the people
m r5N,{\9b Living life in peace
3C~9rO5X Imagine no possessions 3l-`@v5~X
I wonder if you can m0?FZ!}1\
No need for greed or hunger
T#Pp[u`Ymj,KJC A brotherhood of man
`4a b)Gt|;MD;Q Imagine all the people 4|1G'e;vQ@7f@
Sharing all the world…
r-oA ]}(\ You may say I am a dreamer ]4Tr6Jm8j}Gt
But I'm not the only one gh7CLi(Gnd3[ym)?6u
I hope someday you'll join us S.Qs5x0k7|Z L/y%j
And the world will be as one

0000001 發表於 2008-10-9 01:27 PM

Happy Birthday, John Lennon~
)f JGOC,p`T many ppl still miss him.

mycomic2005 發表於 2008-10-10 12:21 AM

Happy Birthday to John Lennons)L9n#v"eD ^
A Good Song
'^0`6h%e)h7B_vW8Q Hope "the world will be as one"

aului 發表於 2008-10-10 10:12 PM

I like Beatles especially John LennoncB9Trr+U
I like the lyrics and melody of the song Imagine

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