[[i] 本帖最後由 martin123168 於 2008-10-22 07:04 AM 編輯 [/i]] **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 啱啱會考完,大極都有限啦~~~5k.S9}?_b
有唔識一定要開口問!!唔好話怕醜唔敢問...好過做錯野...:GZ3l\6L f*Tl7iL
支持你:yy16: 初出社會做事, 一定要記住,~yB!D1B}-@]
吃苦是福. 支持你, 少少心得, 希望可以對你以後有點幫助; 除非你有更好的工作轉換或自己做生意, 否則......(S~D!A+zZ4j o)CV%?}
1) 工作上不要自作聰明, 在適當的時候可以扮蠢, 即使小小疑難都要問個明白 T4n#~yr iF-xlQex
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2) 老細的說話永遠是對的, 不要企圖挑戰老細和上級的意見2Cij$O&N4KgN
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3) 禮多人不怪, 唔該前, please後.........等, 一定唔少得
4) 初初做工, 唔好怕辛苦, 唔好怕蝕底, 唔好諸多計較
5) 唔好搞小圈子, 要面面俱圓, 哪一方都不要得罪 加油.... 記住世上無難事, 你肯學, 人地自然肯教你野 做麵包辛苦在早起身, 好多人麵包做早餐. 要係佢地食早餐之前已經做好麵包.VQ VV `-Veus.Z
第二辛苦在對局爐, 局爐有百多二百度, 可想而知廚房有幾熱.IUbSO0u0J
做麵包係一個幾專門既技能, 有IVE讀, 亦有可能出頭. *F(I7yb2gB x:`
做多陣麵包可以學埋做西餅旦糕, 之後入酒店做甜品, 福利都唔錯. 或者做月餅等唐餅, 都係唔錯既兼職. 努力加油呀!:redface: Life is hard, just learn this, money is important.g(HE'l*w'syzrZ
Sometimes you don't always do what you want to do, like to do, but what you have to do.
It will be harsh, you will be so tired that when you go home you realize you've missed your bus stop for 2-3 and you have to walk it back. There will be no food on the table, you will have to make it yourself. Whatever you make, it will not be enough to feed you fully. You will always be hungry and tired. You will live with a mask, a smile.
But know this, just because you're tired, you hate your job, you better do it right. You do it right because you're doing it for yourself, it's not about your boss, it's not about the customer, can you live up to yourself if you fck up? The person on the other side is doing the same thing as you are, they are living their lives, so you better understand. YR^K"E
1@:\| L*MDFG
Understand first, then be understood. You're the lowest in the food chain, you will take orders, you will live with them. 做麵包ok喎,學識之後可以自己去開店,開麵包店成本低利潤高,好出路:yy02: :yy02: 禮貌好D, 自然多人鐘意你, 就自然容易繼續做落去 加6分做support:)