入落一個有幾格ge證件套又會唔會有問題呢?? 我一直都是放在一個證件套, 唔會有事 無問題掛, 經常身份證同八達通放銀包,
上深圳時坐火車拍八達通跟住e道過關都唔覺有問題 我一路都係放埋一齊,應該無事:win: 冰會有事= ="9A!y|#t0@1@
唔信既自己試下咪知=] I would say when you put those cards in your wallet even including your bank card and credit card, becareful at the time when you take those cards in and out from your wallet, don't scratch them or the magnetic bar at the bank will be damaged. 佢地兩個GE資料儲存方式都唔用...!e,h'H:GU{S~Q6j