it maybe related to學術,h`)`dS/^
點解銀行排隊係一條隊J7k L~(ji3n
nt lx1N/K:C"D7n
快餐店就幾條隊? 快餐店佢急你唔急, 銀行你急佢唔急 !! 1條隊排法係 快個幾條隊排法架, .u,Q_0l;bl5q-p
幾條隊排法有1個人塞住,就只有睇住隔離後面既人都快過你~ [quote]原帖由 [i]kuru[/i] 於 2008-11-18 11:44 PM 發表 [url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=2942437&ptid=194172][img]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]eL"Lz `M&J
1條隊排法係 快個幾條隊排法架, 7V1g0\-u/E]"\m;bx'S
幾條隊排法有1個人塞住,就只有睇住隔離後面既人都快過你~ [/quote]uSq5S zs E5l
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Yes, in this case, it is more fair to all people that are lining up
it can make sure whoever line up first will get in served first
however......most of the people understand this concert but the point is, [color=red]in a fast food restaurant, do you think they can have enough space at the front entrance to let that many people line up like what the bank does....[/color] 大瓜鑊係一條隊:P 銀行都唔一定係一條隊o架...oO[*i)A^@j
很多銀行(如匯豐渣打等),都有分優先理財counter,你係果批客,有時快好多o架:naughty: 我諗銀行一條隊係因為銀行本身想營造一個有規有矩有條理ge環境,隊頭太多,零亂感太重,會俾人一種不安全的感覺。相反快餐店就要做到人流暢旺座無虛席先可以吸引到客人,隊頭越多,人氣旺,流量又快,生意自然好。