amigofans 發表於 2009-1-12 10:31 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]arthur8088[/i] 於 2009-1-12 03:12 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
havnt seen Man Utd performing such a good defence for ages...but their midfielding was still under-performing...especially in the second half....Man Utd's offence is kind of similar to 03-04 season, t ... [/quote]
格蘭執教無問題, 問題係佢樣衰, 唔夠摩連奴咁靚仔....
舊年車仔三個比賽都係亞軍, 除左欠運之外, 班大牌球星如杜奧巴同泰利, 完全當格蘭係透明係落敗既大原因....
到左今年大菲, 手上既兵已經唔多, 大部份球員水準下降, 杜奧巴, a.cole一班友表現麻麻...
傷兵又多, 尤其無左個大將艾辛, 仲有最敝係油王唔再大花筒, 唔夠人又無錢買....
最怪係香港d車迷, 摩連奴永遠係神, 早排係呢度先見到有人話, 車仔好成績(季初)係摩連奴積落既...
其實半隊都已經唔係摩帥手筆, 如上文所講, 佢果d愛將, 先係車仔最衰果幾個....
其實d人捧到摩連奴天咁高, 我已經見怪不怪, 你無可否認摩生係醒目仔, 正所謂鳳凰無寶不落,
唔係睇到曼聯同阿仙奴下滑, 佢會黎教英超? 唔係因為有大把錢洗, 佢會去教車仔而唔揀利物浦?
正如果隊唔係訓係度都贏既國米, 佢會去教?:dev:
amigofans 發表於 2009-1-12 10:33 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]brightlee[/i] 於 2009-1-12 12:38 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
I am looking forward who will be sending off today!!!
Referee, Howard Webb is a 'killer" [/quote]
阿殺人王吹得ok wor, 起碼壓得住班生番,
尤其你知道朗尼, 杜奧巴呢幾條友幾咁煩....
arthur8088 發表於 2009-1-12 11:52 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]filter-052fans[/i] 於 2009-1-12 10:31 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
格蘭執教無問題, 問題係佢樣衰, 唔夠摩連奴咁靚仔....
舊年車仔三個比賽都係亞軍, 除左欠運之外, 班大牌球星如杜奧巴同泰利, 完全當格蘭係透明係落敗既大原因....
到左今年大菲, 手上既兵已經唔多, 大部份球員水 ... [/quote]
exacccttllyyy....that's why i feel it's not fair to Avram Grant..everyone was blaming him and wanna kick his bud out of chelsea right after he took charge chelsea...but no chelsea fans are saying this to Big Phil~~~:giveup: :giveup:
Big Phil should have taken some the start of the season, he should have captured a back-up DMF instead of Deco, he should able to sense that there's no one to sub Essien once he's injured...
I still dont understand why most HKG Chelsea fans still want their Almighty Jose Mourinho it because of his 2 times league champion??as a Man Utd fans, of course he's my rival...but i still doubt his ability...especially in signing players...
He signed SWP, Drogba, Sidwell, Ballack, Mikel, Robben, Alex, Bridge, Cashley Cole, Carvalho, Ferreira, Kalou, Manieche and Shevcheko at chelsea, at Inter, he signed mancini and Quaresma...
ONly Robben, Carvalho and Drogba performed well at Chelsea..the rest are all under-performing, a top bench warmer or being sold~~
so is he still the Almighty god to chelsea??i really really doubt it!!!
of course he would choose Chelsea besides Liverpool~~The Reds is traditional strong team, ppl must have huge expectation~~~but Chelsea was a growing team, no one would blame him for the first season failure~~and Raneiri developed a great base team to him~~with Cech, Makalele, joe Cole, Duff, lampard+ johnson and also unlimited transferring fund...only a nut would turn down this job~~