有無可以講下電影 "香水" ???
我昨日岩岩睇左 , 大致都明 , 但到男主角到型場 ,.m3iU+t(?,{0a{#v3zS迷到眾生之時 , 型場d人突然全發情 , 大混戢一場 ...7Jwlp)z&Jjg
點解呢??? 有咩唸意 ... i also want to know the answer anybody can anwer me??? ** He has killed 10 or 12 girls and made the perfect perfume at last._ Y1eqq5P{
[z-q Z~
And the Magic of that perfect perfume has turned every one like "high" 左n#mVD-{6~y
So, 瘋狂造愛.)?m}g$r
k0p@ `I-W