大家覺得湖人中鋒拜南 , 有無潛力成為20/10球員???
我睇佢youtube果個mix , 好似真係唔錯 ,不過唔知係咪神經刀 ... 睇數據 , 佢14/8但只出29mins ,
真係有d機喎~~ Definitely a 20/10 per night player. He was on fire before he went down with the injury. As long as his confidence level is high, he can perform like that every night. 佢試過一場4X分
佢真係好勁:haha: he has potential, like another D.Howard, but the first priority is his health~~he still couldnt complete one full season with no injury~~
he may able to perform well in playing a shorter time and season, but may not able to perform consistently in 82 games+playoff.
He's playing in Lakers, there're heaps of support to him, Bryant, Gasol, Odom~~still couldnt comment on his offensive skills as all the attention will go to Kobe first~then Gasol and Odom, he can only barely call the 4th offensive choice...and his rebounding skills is needed to improve as well~~
To me, he's another D.Howard~~rebound and dunk monster in the painted area~~
How about Greg Oden?? Does anyone think he can achieve 20/10 in foreseeable future?
[[i] 本帖最後由 arthur8088 於 2009-4-5 05:14 PM 編輯 [/i]] 潛力就點都有...:agree:
但大前提係佢要健健康康:haha: arthur8088, he's likely to be the 3rd scoring option behind Kobe and Pau since Lamar will come off the bench when Drew returns.
As for Greg Oden, I'd rate Andrew Bynum a little higher since he has shown me more, but Greg also has talent to become a "Daily Double". he's a very potential player!
he can definitely be a 20/10 player, he's strong and tall, and with good master Abdul Jaabar and good teammates... he is very important and vital to Lakers for the championship!
looking forward to his return! 湖人內線一日有 Gasol 响度, 佢都無可能係個 20/10 球員但係如果 Gasol 傷咗, 咁又另作別論
情況就好似 Uta 嘅 P. Milsap 一樣 我反而覺得佢上位能力極高....有潛質,有身高,有渣巴教路,加上三角戰術裏面,中鋒低位進攻其實都係1ST CHOICE. 又後生....絕對有能力係五年內成為NBA TOP三四個CENTER