娛樂滿紛 26FUN's Archiver

kakeidevil 發表於 2009-6-27 02:16 PM

CLOT 新出新品





by kp blog

[b][color=#00ff00]除左圖1,4其他都好核突:D [/color][/b]
有冇人知幾多錢??:confused: [/color][/b]

idiot 發表於 2009-6-28 12:24 PM

so ugly

rei1203 發表於 2009-6-29 09:21 PM


rei1203 發表於 2009-6-29 09:21 PM

[quote]原帖由 [i]idiot[/i] 於 2009-6-28 12:24 PM 發表 [url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=3188886&ptid=205037][img]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
so ugly [/quote]


vj11 發表於 2009-10-14 07:38 AM

the black , white and grey ones are nice..

don't like the colorful one..

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