MJ 的歌迷 !!
MJ 死後 , 娛樂圈突然多左好多佢 ge fans !!s D,V8Vb1jK`個個都話係佢 ge 粉絲 , 其實當中有邊幾先係真正 fans ???? 只要真心懷念佢......
邊個係真歌迷又有咩所謂呀~:) fans =/= extreme supportersL*FdZJ8lS` h
i think if you really like a person/singer/actor, you support his/her style, then you are a fans..esj't o`*]y4`:t0H
i do think that lot's of people who love MJ. why couldn't they miss him?
im a MJ fans too, but i haven't got his CD, never been to any of his concert. But i just like him.. is that a problem? 我覺得娛樂圈有 d 係博上鏡 , 博宣傳 !! 我聽上一輩d人講個時鍾意mj係緊既事....應該好多人係佢fans