唔知去向如何... 蘭尼要走~?好細鑊咋喎~出面大把人踢呢個位踢得好過佢啦~不過慘就慘在用高價入錯貨~賣走佢都唔慌貴得去邊~ [quote]蘭尼拒絕續約曼聯!!
[size=2][url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=3322522&ptid=211933][color=#999999]kch123 發表於 2009-11-8 04:14 AM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]
it's not a big deal to man utd as he's not a vital in the team at all....his performance is just too fluctuating, man utd can always add a buy-back clause in the deal just to prevent Forlan case happening again..(but chances of SAF signing the players he dumped is like zero...)
besides Nani, Man utd can always sign new star players like Silva, or Middlesbrough's A.Johnson, or even use Obertan, Tosic and new capture Ljaclac to play on the Left....
if he cant withstand high pressure, he's a top quality material anyway, so there's no room for him~~~ 早走早著,奧巴坦都好波過佢 再走一个, 下季仲難踢 佢又唔係主力,有幾大鑊? 佢打得一d都唔出色........基本上係可有可冇......多個人換吓 [quote]佢打得一d都唔出色........基本上係可有可冇......多個人換吓
[size=2][url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=3325135&ptid=211933][color=#999999]ot911 發表於 2009-11-12 05:43 PM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]
佢好多時係禁區邊推大位射靚波係叫做有D料到囉~但獨沽一味有鬼用咩~其他邊瓣都唔得~:nogood: 吓!好似唔係而係唔會先真喎!
Elsewhere, there’s widespread coverage of quotes attributed to Nani from Portuguese newspaper [i]I[/i]. The winger has admitted he’s been on the end of a few verbal blasts from Sir Alex, but insists he has [color=red]no plans to leave OT[/color]. “Sir Alex is very complicated. He can go from complimenting you to just plain trashing you in a matter of minutes.” 一個大後備
可有可冇 He better get out, already give a lot of chance:yy32: NaNi should leave la.....he can preform better in spain 呢個係球迷之福... 曼聯可以100%放棄葡兵... NANI腳法係OK﹐喺左路帶波CUT返埋中間起腳亦都時有入波﹐可惜只係得呢瓣﹐而且身型實在太過單薄(呢樣仲衰過C朗)﹐有時係好想對佢有啲期望﹐無奈....所以如果佢真係去西甲﹐都祝願佢有更好發展﹗ 係真唔係呀佢0.0 而家又有報導話費sir唔準備賣佢喇喎...諗住留返黎煲乾燥~? **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** he dosent like nani