[font=標楷體][size=4]過去五十年[u]英美[/u]為分化中國,台灣,韓國和日本的關係,努力用盡不同政治手段和軟力量,阻止中日韓的人民團結凝聚起來。因為目前以[u]西方白人 耶教[/u]國家為主的領導地位將受到[u]東亞人[/u]種威脅! [/size][/font]o8^(o#g5l/J
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[img]http://pats7secrets.com/angry_man.jpg[/img] 經濟上統治世界 ?? 美國軍事全世界最強, 暫時冇乜可能 even the western countries don't do anything.....I don't think China, Japan and Korea would work together..... What the hell are you saying? The Chinese want to rule the world themselves, whether or not the Western countries do anything is a non-factor in the situation. 單美國就有5000多個核彈頭Fz;dd)Z;s_ S)dtC
怕啥? 其實你想表達D乜野