**** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 禮、義、廉、恥、忠、信、孝、悌,/g LP_UX唔知幾多年前開始,已經一早冇晒囉...:help: [quote]禮、義、廉、恥、忠、信、孝、悌,
[size=2][url=][color=#999999]infjlam 發表於 2010-5-2 09:30 PM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]
1AOI-B _]!TkI?
because the citizens are not educated....
?5F u&q0S_j _3o
this is not going to change until the government improves the education for the whole country This has nothing to do with education. It's in the blood of these people. It'll never change. 最記得鬧派票個人未培訓好
票就得甘多@?6PZ!~ `WuE-oY4K
羅唔到就鬧人地工作人員-aI O6lC-`3S+^
所以最憎就係d又要貪新鮮又要想一定入到+FF? lcY%d5seZ
有成半年但d人係要驚蝕抵` M8\3^|$KUk
谷埋頭幾日入:yy22: [url=][/url] lh-NCYC7A!w
最尾笑死我:dev: 中國人世博咪就系展示我地偉大嘅中國科技 - 中國人 lor [i=s] 本帖最後由 jojojojoj 於 2010-5-3 01:52 AM 編輯 [/i].?7IT4?r zLP
U%GR }oH.k
佢地係搞世界博覽會定世界搏擊會? [quote]佢地係搞世界博覽會定世界搏擊會?
[size=2][url=][color=#999999]jojojojoj 發表於 2010-5-3 01:50 AM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]
呢個Gag幾頂癮... 呢幾日睇完d新聞