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terencey 發表於 2010-10-7 01:04 AM


[i=s] 本帖最後由 terencey 於 2010-10-7 01:23 AM 編輯 [/i]

現時球場內外都已經水深火熱的英超球會利物浦勢將易主, 董事局宣佈同意將球會售于新英倫體育集團 -- New England Sports Ventures (簡稱 NESV).

NESV 是來自美國的財團, 以現年 61 歲的美國富商約翰亨利 (John W. Henry) 為首腦. 集團的名下擁有數個體育項目, 當中包括美國職棒球隊波士頓紅襪 (Boston Red Sox). 該棒球隊在 NESV 接手前, 已經超過 80 年無法奪取任何錦標. 後來 NESV 於 2002 年入主, 在苦心經營下, 球隊在最近 6 年, 已有 5 個球季成功晉身季後賽, 其中於 2004 及 2007 年更奪得美國 MLB 職棒聯賽總冠軍 (World Series Champions), 重拾傳統勁旅本色, 約翰亨利因而受到不少讚譽, 更被 CNN 評選為美國 MLB 職棒聯賽的最佳班主.

利物浦主席布洛頓 (Martin Broughton) 表示, 球會接獲兩個相當可觀和切實的報價, 其中一個就是 NESV. 經過數週在波士頓, 倫敦和利物浦的會面後, 認為 NESV 是最合適的財團, 成為球會新班主, 加上他們在波士頓紅襪隊所做的一切, 可見他們的哲學就是勝利, 和球會的理念相近. 他相信球會已找到最合適的班主, 為球隊帶來進步和邁向成功. 此外, 布洛頓亦表示, 新班主的到來, 會清除球會的沉重債務, 並且斥資興建新球場和收購球員, 加強實力, 這些事項亦是會方明確要求和選擇財團的先決條件. 只是, 現任班主吉列及希克斯一直想盡辦法阻止球會成功賣盤, 甚至想強行撤換反對他們的董事局成員和打算採取法律行動. 這樣垂死掙扎的行徑, 實在令人感到遺憾.

另外, 據了解, 上述易主的行動需要英超賽會審批, 但相信問題不大, 預料本周五便會批准. 還有, 即使現時兩位美國班主要採取法律行動, 易主的事情亦不會拖得太久, 因為他們之前簽過的文件中, 寫明他們根本無權撤換董事局成員, 因此推翻結果的機會偏低, 加上他們最遲要在本月 15 日一定要還錢給最大債權人蘇格蘭皇家銀行 (RBS) , 否則他們亦會被踢走, 所以 NESV 成功入主只是時間問題. 謹此衷心希望利物浦這次真的遇到好班主, 能夠帶領球隊重返成功之路, 再次成為歐洲甚至世界的一流勁旅.

利物浦官方網頁 -- [url=http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/latest-news/board-agree-proposed-sale]http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/latest-news/board-agree-proposed-sale[/url]

利物浦主席問與答 -- [url=http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/latest-news/broughton-takeover-q-a]http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/latest-news/broughton-takeover-q-a[/url]

CNN 評選為美國 MLB 職棒聯賽的最佳班主, John W. Henry -- [url=http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/baseball/mlb/05/08/mlb.owners/index.html]http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/baseball/mlb/05/08/mlb.owners/index.html[/url]

Skysports, Who is John W Henry? -- [url=http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11994_6430712,00.html]http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11994_6430712,00.html[/url]

New England Sports Ventures profile -- [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_England_Sports_Ventures][color=#0066cc]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_England_Sports_Ventures[/color][/url]

Board agree proposed sale 6th Oct 2010 - [color=#ca0002]Latest News[/color]

Liverpool Football Club today announces that the Board has agreed the sale of the Club to New England Sports Ventures (NESV).

New England Sports Ventures currently owns a portfolio of companies including the Boston Red Sox, New England Sports Network, Fenway Sports Group and Roush Fenway Racing.

[b]Martin Broughton, Liverpool FC Chairman, said: [/b]

"I am delighted that we have been able to successfully conclude the sale process which has been thorough and extensive. The Board decided to accept NESV's proposal on the basis that it best met the criteria we set out originally for a suitable new owner. NESV's philosophy is all about winning and they have fully demonstrated that at Red Sox.

"We've met them in Boston, London and Liverpool over several weeks and I am immensely impressed with what they have achieved and with their vision for Liverpool Football Club.

"By removing the burden of acquisition debt, this offer allows us to focus on investment in the team. I am only disappointed that the owners have tried everything to prevent the deal from happening and that we need to go through legal proceedings in order to complete the sale."

[b]Note to editors:[/b]
The sale is conditional on Premier League approval, resolution of the dispute concerning Board membership and other matters.[img]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/border=0[/img]

terencey 發表於 2010-10-7 09:45 AM

more information of NESV -- [url=http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/101006/4/kl09.html][color=#006060]http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/101006/4/kl09.html[/color][/url]

NESV財團在2001年由金融投資專家約翰亨利 (John W. Henry)牽頭成立,電視大亨華拿(Tom Werner)擔任主席,紐約時報集團亦擁有16.58%的股份。該財團除在2001年購入紅襪外,亦擁有紅襪主場 Fenway Park、新英格蘭體育頻道及一支 NASCAR 車隊。

terencey 發表於 2010-10-15 01:59 AM

[i=s] 本帖最後由 terencey 於 2010-10-15 02:29 AM 編輯 [/i]

利物浦的擁有權實在爭持得非常激烈, 由於兩名美國班主不服氣, 認為他們可以撤換董事局成員, 並表示只以 3 億鎊價錢售予 NESV 是低估球會的價值, 令他們蒙受損失, 故仍然要經法律仲裁. 後來, 於 14/10/2010, 利物浦在官方網頁宣佈, 倫敦高等法院已裁定球會勝訴, 可以繼續與 NESV 進行交接和舉行會議, 而兩名美國班主則不得上訴. 期間有消息指 NESV 首腦約翰亨利亦有出席會議. 正當利物浦董事局準備 "全速前進" 的時候, 豈料那兩名美國班主仍然機關算盡, 為了阻止這次交易, 竟然去美國得州地方法院成功申請禁制令. 另外, 當時新加坡富商林榮福, 還有以美國富豪 Dwight Schars 為首的 Mill Finance 先後表示有意用超過 3 億英鎊的價錢收購利物浦, 導致交易再次出現頗多變數.

有見及此, 利物浦董事局需要再次以法律仲裁申請反禁制令. 最後, 倫敦高等法院今天裁定, 根據國際法, 兩名美國班主於得州取得的禁制令無效, 而且此案亦與得州無關, 法官亦對兩名美國班主的行徑和品格作出譴責. 利物浦再次在法庭上把兩名美國班主擊退後, 可以集中全力與 NESV 完成餘下的收購手續. 兩名美國班主需要最遲於倫敦時間翌日下午 4 時前返回英國遵守法令, 不可再阻止這次交易, 否則英國高等法院會控告他們, 當中包括蔑視法庭罪. 意味這兩名貪得無厭的美國人, 最終仍逃不過蝕大本和在球迷的謾罵聲中, 諳然離場.

現時的重要事項是, 利物浦一定要如期在本周五向最大債主 -- 蘇格蘭皇家銀行償還 £240m 的債務, 否則就會被接管和要在聯賽榜被扣 9 分. 所以, 利物浦仍需爭分奪秒, 盡快與 NESV 完成交易, 及時償還債務. 本人藉此希望, 利物浦在 NESV 的引領下, 能夠在這幾年的嚴重內耗之中, 恢復元氣, 返回正軌, 就像新班主旗下的 Boston Red Sox 一樣, 重現以往勁旅的風采.

BBC -- [url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/l/liverpool/9091246.stm]http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/l/liverpool/9091246.stm[/url]

High Court rejects attempts to block sale of Liverpool

[b][b]Liverpool's American owners suffered a further setback after a High Court judge ruled their injunction to block the sale of the club was ineffective.[/b]  [/b]

[b]The ruling paves the way for the club to be sold to New England Sports Ventures (NESV), owners of the Boston Red Sox baseball team, for £300m.

On Wednesday Reds' owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett took out an injunction in Texas to block any proposed sale.

But Judge Christopher Floyd said that ruling had no validity in England.

The latest development come after Hicks and Gillett's reign at Anfield had looked close to ending on Wednesday.

Their attempt to block the proposed sale of the club to NESV was dismissed by the High Court, despite having the backing of other directors including chairman Martin Broughton, managing director Christian Purslow and commercial director Ian Ayre.

But that ruling led the American owners to take out a temporary restraining order in a Dallas court, halting any planned sale.

On Thursday, Mr Justice Floyd again came down in favour of the club by granting an anti-suit injunction and criticising Hicks and Gillett's conduct, calling it "unconscionable" and adding that "this case has no real connection to Texas."

Yet even despite the second judgement of the High Court, the much-criticised owners requested a further hearing in Texas on Thursday.

Mr Justice Floyd has given Hicks and Gillett until 1600 BST on Friday to withdraw their legal action in America, or face charges of contempt of court.

That deadline would allow the sale of the club to go through, which is essential if the club are to avoid defaulting on the repayment of £240m of loans due to Royal Bank of Scotland on Friday.

If that payment is not made the club could be placed into administration and suffer a nine-point penalty.

During the ruling in the High Court on Thursday David Chivers QC, representing NESV, said his clients already considered themselves to be Liverpool's new owners.

"The owners from beyond the grave are seeking to exercise with their dead hand a continuing grip on this company," he said.

Earlier, on a second day of huge developments, Singaporean businessman Peter Lim, withdrew his £320m bid.

He said: "The [Liverpool] board is intent on selling the club to NESV to the exclusion of all other parties, regardless of the merits of their bids."

More to follow.


terencey 發表於 2010-10-15 09:41 AM

[i=s] 本帖最後由 terencey 於 2010-10-15 09:55 AM 編輯 [/i]

[b][url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=3498264&ptid=237029]3#[/url] [i]terencey[/i] [/b]

最新消息 -- 原來那兩位美國班主現時要出席達拉斯法院的聆訊, 現時只視乎他們會否遵守倫敦高等法院的判令, 並在 "死線" 前把那禁制令取消. 不過, 利物浦主席布洛頓表示, 球會仍然可望於本周五的期限前, 成功售予 NESV, 令到集團首腦約翰亨利能夠在本周日, 以球會新班主身份觀看利物浦對愛華頓的打比大戰.

BBC -- [url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/l/liverpool/9094283.stm]http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/l/liverpool/9094283.stm[/url]

Liverpool hopeful of deadline day sale

[b]Liverpool are waiting to see if the club's £300m sale to New England Sports Ventures (NESV) goes through before the deadline to settle the club's debt. [/b]

The Reds must pay off a £240m loan to Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) on Friday to avoid the threat of administration.

Although the High Court ruled American co-owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett could not block the sale, they have a further hearing in Dallas at 1300 BST.

"We're nearly there," said Liverpool chairman Martin Broughton.

"We've still got to take away the restraining order."

Broughton added that he hoped NESV head John W Henry would be at the Merseyside derby on Sunday as Liverpool's new owner.

"Mr Henry is very committed. My guess is we'll have it done and he'll be there - but we've got to get rid of this order first," Broughton stated.

Friday has become a hugely important day in the history of the football club with the threat of administration meaning the club could suffer a nine-point penalty should it fail to pay off the loan to RBS.

Liverpool board members will be privately fuming that the potential sale to NESV has gone down to the last day as Hicks and Gillett have continuously sought to prevent the purchase of the club they bought in 2007 for £174m.

It looked as though that prospect might be avoided after the latest High Court ruling on Thursday when Mr Justice Floyd issued an anti-suit injunction which rendered Hicks and Gillett's temporary restraining order ineffective.

But the anxiety of Broughton, managing director Christian Purslow and commercial director Ian Ayre will last into Friday as a hearing which began in Texas on Thursday, following the latest High Court ruling, was adjourned until 1300 BST (0700 local time).

A statement issued on behalf of the Liverpool board read: "The independent directors of Liverpool Football Club are delighted with the verdict of Mr Justice Floyd in the High Court this afternoon, which now requires Mr Hicks and Mr Gillett to withdraw their Texas restraining order by 1600 BST on Friday.

"We are glad to have taken another important step towards completing the sale process."

It all has a familiar air to it after Wednesday's events, when an original High Court ruling, allowing the sale to go through, was blocked by an injunction taken out by Hicks and Gillett from a Texas court.

So Liverpool fans could be forgiven for thinking Thursday's High Court judgement might not the final chapter, but the BBC's sports editor David Bond believes that administration is unlikely and a deal with NESV should go through.

Time is running out for Hicks and Gillett with Mr Justice Floyd giving the much-criticised owners until 1600 BST on Friday to withdraw their legal action in America, or face charges of contempt of court.

NESV, owners of the Boston Red Sox baseball team, also plan to make their own submission to the Dallas court to overturn the injunction obtained by Hicks and Gillett.

The American co-owners claim that Broughton, Purslow and Ayre have attempted to sell the club for "a price they know to be hundreds of millions of dollars below true market value."

The details of their injunction also disclose that the pair are seeking more than $1.6bn (£1bn) in damages.

Mr Justice Floyd described Hicks and Gillett's conduct as "unconscionable" while Richard Snowden QC, representing RBS, said the duo's behaviour was "outrageous" adding that the proceedings in Texas were "plainly inappropriate".

During the Thursday's hearing in London, David Chivers QC, representing NESV, said his clients already considered themselves to be Liverpool's new owners.

And the head of NESV John W Henry was later seen entering the London offices of Liverpool's solicitors Slaughter and May for a meeting with the board.

Henry's group is not thought to be the only interested party, with Mill Financial still "very much part of the mix" and "waiting to dive in if a deal with NESV does fall through," according to BBC Radio 5 live's Brian Alexander.

But Singapore businessman Peter Lim, who was also thought to be waiting in the wings, has withdrawn his £320m bid.

"The [Liverpool] board is intent on selling the club to NESV to the exclusion of all other parties, regardless of the merits of their bids," he said.

Liverpool, who face Everton on Sunday, are in the bottom three in the Premier League table after picking up only six points from their opening seven games.

Should the club be put into administration, it would leave them rooted to the bottom of the table on minus three points.

terencey 發表於 2010-10-16 01:32 AM

RE: NESV 成為利物浦新班主

[i=s] 本帖最後由 terencey 於 2010-10-16 02:04 AM 編輯 [/i]

利物浦剛於官方網頁宣佈, 以約翰亨利為首的新英倫體育集團 (NESV) 正式成為球會的新班主. NESV 這次入主可謂歷盡艱辛, 因為那貪得無厭的前班主希克斯和吉列, 為了阻止交易成功, 仍想在最後關頭, 乘機把球會的所有股份, 轉售予和他們友好的美國財團 Mill Financial. 期間他們以為會奸計得逞, 令很多利物浦球迷擔心, 如此做法, 絕對是機關算盡, 無所不用其極, 亦充份顯示人性醜惡的一面.

得到球會所有股份的 Mill Financial, 隨即要求英超賽會為他們入主前進行測試和審批, 但英超賽會表示, 他們只會與利物浦董事局接觸, 拒絕為他們進行審批. 希克斯和吉列無計可施, 無法阻止 NESV 正式入主利物浦, 最終把得州法院的禁制令撤回. 不過他們認為董事局 "不合理" 和 "不合法" 地接受 NESV 3 億英鎊的報價, 是明顯低估球會價值, 加上他們曾想還債給蘇格蘭皇家銀行, 但被拒絕, 令他們蒙受損失. 因此聲言會用盡一切法律手段, 向利物浦和蘇格蘭皇家銀行追討 1 億英鎊的 "損失".

新英倫體育集團 (NESV) 首腦約翰亨利和主席華納表示, 能夠成功入主利物浦, 那種光榮和興奮是難以形容. 他們知道利物浦在球迷和社區人士心目中是何等重要. 他們是為勝利而來, 並且不斷提及會經常聆聽球迷, 當地人士, 對球會有深厚認識的人士的意見, 亦會學習和了解球會的文化和傳統, 加上他們奪得勝利的經驗和對勝利的渴求, 務求令球會長遠地在財政和成績不斷穩步上揚, 帶領利物浦返回英國和歐洲足球之巔.

利物浦官方網頁 -- [url=http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/latest-news/liverpool-fc-sold-to-nesv]http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/latest-news/liverpool-fc-sold-to-nesv[/url]

Skysports -- Henry - We're here to win [url=http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11669_6446392,00.html]http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11669_6446392,00.html[/url]

BBC -- [url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/l/liverpool/9094283.stm]http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/l/liverpool/9094283.stm[/url]

NESV 簡介影片 -- [url=http://mlb.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?c_id=bos&content_id=12766377&tcid=fb_video_12766377][color=#0066cc]http://mlb.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?c_id=bos&content_id=12766377&tcid=fb_video_12766377[/color][/url]

Liverpool FC sold to NESV15th Oct 2010 - [color=#ca0002]Latest News[/color]

New England Sports Ventures (NESV) today announces that it has completed the purchase of Liverpool Football Club.

[align=left]NESV wishes to extend its sincere gratitude to the Board of Liverpool FC for their diligence and their efforts on behalf of the Club and its supporters.[/align]
[align=left]The transaction values the Club at £300m and eliminates all of the acquisition debt placed on LFC by its previous owners, reducing the Club's debt servicing obligations from £25m-£30m a year to £2m-£3m.[/align][align=left]
New England Sports Ventures is committed to winning and currently owns a portfolio of companies, including the Boston Red Sox, New England Sports Network, Fenway Sports Group and Roush Fenway Racing.

[b]NESV Principal Owner John Henry said:[/b]

"On behalf of the entire NESV partnership, I want to express how incredibly proud and humbled we are to be confirmed as the new owners of Liverpool FC. We regard our role as that of stewards for the Club with a primary focus on returning the Club to greatness on and off the field for the long-term. We are committed first and foremost to winning. We have a history of winning, and today we want LFC supporters to know that this approach is what we intend to bring to this great Club."

[b]Liverpool FC Chairman Martin Broughton said:[/b]

"I am delighted that we have been able to successfully conclude the sale process which has been thorough and extensive. The Board decided to accept NESV's offer on the basis that it best met the criteria we set out originally for a new owner. NESV is buying Liverpool in order to put it on an excellent financial footing and continue to develop it internationally. This is a good deal which comprehensively resolves the pressing issue of the Club's debt and should give staff, players and fans great confidence regarding the future of Liverpool FC."

[b]NESV Chairman Thomas Werner said:[/b]

"We recognize that Liverpool Football Club is an historic institution ultimately grounded in the community and the fans. Our first step as new owners will be to listen. We want to hear from the manager and the players and those who are part of the daily operation of the Club. We will be visible at Anfield and will embrace and listen to those who have stood by this Club and who are the rock on which its future success will be built. We want to hear from the fans, local leaders and the local community. We want to hear from those who know LFC best, who have made it the best and share our desire to return to a culture of winning.

"NESV is committed to creating a long-term, financially strong foundation for the Club and dedicated to ensuring the Club has the financial resources to be successful again and attract the best players. To that end, the transaction has been structured in such a way as to eliminate all of the acquisition debt on the Club.

"In the coming days and months, NESV will work closely with the LFC executive team to listen and learn about every facet of the organisation. During this time, the new owners will begin to look at areas for greatest opportunity to increase the appeal of the Club nationally and internationally. NESV wants to once again create a culture and environment to allow people to excel at the Club on every front. During this period, NESV will also begin to examine opportunities to enhance the matchday experience in the short-term, while also carefully studying the various long-term options that may be possible."

[b]Mr Henry and Mr Werner added:[/b]

"We are eager to commence with our plan, spend time with the organisation, its leadership, its supporters, and the local communities. We will take these steps alongside the Club's executives with a shared objective of stabilising the Club and ultimately returning Liverpool FC to its rightful place in English and European football, successful and competing for trophies."

[b]Author:[/b] Liverpool FC[/align]

terencey 發表於 2010-10-16 02:42 PM

[quote]利物浦剛於官方網頁宣佈, 以約翰亨利為首的新英倫體育集團 (NESV) 正式成為球會的新班主. NESV 這次入主可謂歷盡艱辛, 因為那貪得無厭的前班主希克斯和吉列, 為了阻止交易成功, 仍想在最後關頭, 乘機把球會的所有股 ...
[size=2][url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=3499137&ptid=237029][color=#999999]terencey 發表於 2010-10-16 01:32 AM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]

更正 -- 前班主希克斯和吉列是要追討 10 億英鎊

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