[4/27加分題] 入黎講下日本MUSIC [積極回應者+5]
在下係初哥~~只不過將自己中意講出黎~~高手再講其他LA~:P最近聽MR. children 多~第一次識佢地都係係寶礦力廣告入面~~發覺佢D歌好易接受到~唔似一D 太hip hop 或其他果D咁~~強力推介~!!!
有D另類介紹~~各位記得幾年前做過既卡通macross 7嗎??入面D歌都好好聽GA!!
推介歌:my soul for you(木結板),plant dance,突擊LOVE~
[[i] Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-4-29 at 11:11 PM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]Crapcake[/i] at 2005-4-27 06:05 PM:
在下係初哥~~只不過將自己中意講出黎~ ... [/quote]
The ending song for 新世紀福音戰士 is good. The song name is "FLY ME TO THE MOON" by CLAIRE. It has nice Jazz tune to it. not bad for a anime song. ;) dear all
please don't directly upload any media file with copyrights
we would get in trouble
so if you really like to do so
please post its hyperlink instead
thanks for your concern^^
you can check to my recent post about sharing media files oh:P,sori~~下次會更正~請放心~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]Crapcake[/i] at 2005-4-27 22:31:
oh:P,sori~~下次會更正~請放心~ [/quote]thanks:D
PS版 新世紀GPX Cyber Formula 新的挑戰者
HAS ANYONE HEARD THE ENDING SONG FOR THE PS版 新世紀GPX Cyber Formula 新的挑戰者?? IS VERY NICE.HERE IS THE CD SINGLE BELOW :D 對上面呢首有興趣!!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]Crapcake[/i] at 2005-4-27 06:05 PM:
最近聽MR. children 多~第一次識佢地都係係寶礦力廣告入面~~發覺佢D歌好易接受到~唔似一D 太hip hop 或其他果D咁~~強力推介~!!!
有D另類介紹~~各位記得幾年前做過既卡通macross 7嗎??入面D歌都好好聽GA!!
推介歌:my soul for you(木結板),plant dance,突擊LOVE~
我都好仲意卡通macross 7入面my soul 4 u (guitar版)同埋 remember16 (live),Light The Light(live),可惜係我搵唔到隻live cd....
仲有想問下有無人聽過日本女歌手miz dreams 同 waiting 2隻碟ge人...d歌我未聽過,好想聽
[[i] Last edited by ricojohny on 2005-4-28 at 12:07 PM [/i]] 同道中人!!去置頂POST 講下你中意咩卡通歌AR!! 我都好中意動畫歌
Gantz ED - Last Kiss <---我覺得這首真係好好聽.
男兒當入樽 - 直到世界終結
棋魂OP and ED
Gundam Seed - 曉の車, ED: River, Find the Way
HunterXHunter TV OP and ED
HackSign OST(純音樂)
[[i] Last edited by icefire on 2005-4-29 at 03:16 AM [/i]] 我都係比較中意聽日文歌
強烈推介Yuki , mr.children , Bump of Chicken , L'arc-en-ciel My personal think that the Best japan music are from X-Japan............. Best of the heavy metal music and visual effect band....... Weekend, endless rain, tear, crucify my love, silent jealousy etc...............Love X-japan 我聽開Hello Project旗下artise既歌~~ **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 日本音樂市場好大,音樂種類多
日本music中我比較鍾意luna sea has anyone here watch the "BECK" animation here ?