[討論] 大家對黏身0既女/男朋友有咩感覺啊?
你試過身邊有0個黏身0既女/男朋友嗎?佢做過d咩令你覺得佢好黏身呢? 例如:1小時1個call (是否有d誇張?:P).
或者你就係鍾意佢夠晒黏身 :lol: 黏身初初就唔覺ga
但慢慢就會感到煩啦 My ex-bf is very very 黏身 ga .....
He and me are classmate. We study in a same school and same class ~~~~
After we are bf & gf relationship. He must sit with me in every lesson.....(my friend don't like he always sit with me )
we will go to eat somthing or go to street after school........
When he came home, he will call me and we will talk in phone at least 2 hours.........>.<
Help ~~~ he is too "long air" My mother is better than him !!
My另一半咁黏身...I 會覺得好煩 LAW ......
I think suitable 黏身 is ok......
I have no time to study or do other thing when I with him......
黏身 is one of the reason why we are break up .... !
P.S. :He is so 黏身 and i won't miss him.
[[i] Last edited by saki on 2005-5-21 at 05:29 PM [/i]] 我鍾意黏身的,因為在愛情上我需要較大的安全感~~ 我就係鍾意佢夠晒黏身 其實兩睇喇…