Upload Speed of Netvigator BB
As stated by the company, the max. upload speed should be 640kbs. However, my 3M line provides up to 500kBs u/l when using BT as shown in the pic.Could anyone explain why?? thanks. 你上載設定太高
所以下載速度變慢 [quote]Originally posted by [i]leeyanta[/i] at 2005-5-28 10:15 PM:
所以下載速度變慢 [/quote]
上:52k,下:340k [quote]Originally posted by [i]leeyanta[/i] at 2005-5-28 10:15 PM:
所以下載速度變慢 [/quote]
What I concerned is the ultra high U/P speed.... the company offers a standard of 640kbs (or ~80kBs), no matter about the D/L speed; but for my case, it runs up to 500kBs, much faster than expected.
Any netvigator user here have the same experience ? [quote]Originally posted by [i]dondon[/i] at 2005-5-29 09:55 AM:
What I concerned is the ultra h... [/quote]
係唔係 ADSL 線 ?
正常 ADSL 得 6x kB/s (kilobyte) , 有成 4xx 好快喎 [quote]Originally posted by [i]dondon[/i] at 2005-5-29 09:55 AM:
What I concerned is the ultra h... [/quote]
shouldnt you be happy?