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maycheung 發表於 2005-6-9 12:24 PM

Spyware Doctor

點解用左Spyware Doctor 3.02 都不能完全 remove [url]http://www.filost.com[/url] 之spyware, 請各位brother 指導此 spyware/cookies 記錄在什麼directory?

ricky0060 發表於 2005-6-9 04:16 PM


Asurada129 發表於 2005-6-9 05:08 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]maycheung[/i] at 2005-6-9 12:24 PM:
點解用左Spyware Doctor 3.02 都不能完全 remove [url]http://www.filost.com[/url] 之spyware, 請各位brother 指導此 spyware/cookies 記錄在什麼directory? [/quote]
spyware doctor是check有冇毒.....不是除毒......

maycheung 發表於 2005-6-10 03:18 PM

I have used the spy sweeper of webroot for one trial period (7 days) previously, after then I uninstalled the program, and re-install, but it disallowed me to use further.  It seems that the program has marked some record in my computer for the usage of the trial version, but I don't know where is it so as to delete the record.

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