Bombay ? 未試過....有冇相, 幾銀到, 容易買嗎? [/quote]
Don't know price and where since I don't live in HK 哦! 藍色依隻, 試過啦(當時唔知名), 幾年前在我以前公司個大班屋企試過, 好勁吓! 送洒 一流
百x有賣 我想攪清楚,有隻好似hennessy xo咁,但係d人叫"密林",
【 明 報 專 訊 】 在 傳 統 葡 萄 酒 瓶 上 編 印 茅 台 二 字 , 有 點 中 西 合 璧 之 感 , 這 款 萄 萄 酒 屬 茅 台 品 牌 新 近 推 出 的 產 品 。 MOUTAI Vintage Dry Red Wine 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon 採 用 赤 霞 珠 ( Cabernet Sauvignon ) 釀 製 , 果 味 細 緻 , 帶 含 蓄 的 橡 木 味 。 最 佳 品 嘗 溫 度 為 攝 氏 15 至 20 度 , 配 肉 類 和 家 禽 皆 合 宜 。 ( $250 )售 賣 點 ﹕ 榮 仕 廊 ( 2591 6992 )
RE: d228216
Martell, Cordon Bleu 1.5L is the best. I used to drink a half-full bottle at one time. How about you?Tasting Notes:
Colour : Deep golden copper
Nose : Round and complex. Floral and spicy fragrance. Very elegant and refined.
Taste : Exceptionally smooth and round. Rich in fruit and wood with a delicate
aftertaste due to long ageing. A high proportion of Borderies grapes lend it mellowness and complexity.
For Grant's Scotch Whisky
Look up the Duty Free department of Hong Kong's Chep Lap Kok Airport.
or, contact their International Marketing team at [email][/email]
Try Balvenie & Glenfiddich, they are from Grant's also.
Click this site, [url=]Martell[/url]
[color=Blue][size=4][i][b]" 家 禽 皆 合 宜 "[/b][/i][/size][/color] :D:D:D
[[i] Last edited by sohozhk on 2005-8-1 at 01:10 PM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]sohozhk[/i] at 2005-8-1 01:05 PM:
Martell, Cordon Bleu 1.5L is the be... [/quote]
Thanks, I will go TST DutyFree trying.... [quote]Originally posted by [i]446622[/i] at 2005-6-24 01:50 AM:
我想攪清楚,有隻好似hennessy xo咁,但係d人叫"密林",
麻煩解答.唔該哂! [/quote]
"密林",是 XO 叫法。一取其形,即 XO 的酒瓶身型龐大,成支炮咁(密林裝酒瓶,不同於一般的窄身高身),二也取其意,即酒精度高,威力強大,外國名牌,貴嘢極品咁解。
另外,飲 XO 花的錢有大比例去左生產設計的酒樽、包裝禮盒、贈送的酒具、高氣派的廣告上,可能貴過酒本身的價值。
始終都是你對我最好, Martell Cordon Bleu [quote]Originally posted by [i]sohozhk[/i] at 2005-8-1 01:05 PM:
Martell, Cordon Bleu 1.5L is the be... [/quote]
Martell, Cordon Bleu 1.5L is the best. I used to drink a half-full bottle at one time. How about you?
half bottle? don't kidding me, I will only take few cups a day, **use this cup
by the way, My bottle of Grants is 1986 version, do you think I can buy it at Duty free yet?? [quote]Originally posted by [i]sohozhk[/i] at 1/8/05 21:39:
"密林"是手槍,威力強... [/quote]
No kidding
d228216, it's true!!!446622, Yes, it's really a gun. D 麻x佬真是將支xo上下倒轉嚟揸,仲要放入兩邊褲袋,攞出來個陣仲要扮哂西部牛仔,bang...bang...bang咁作狀開槍。it's true!!!
[[i] Last edited by sohozhk on 2005-8-2 at 12:17 AM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]sohozhk[/i] at 2005-8-2 12:09 AM:
it's true!!! [/quote]
i am not saying you tell no true, I just say drink half-bottle to me is kidding.
RE: d228216
"do you think I can buy it at Duty free yet??"No. But you may try the one at TST first and then the Airport, or get their phones numbers from the yellow pages. If you check the site below, you will see a media coverage at the bottom. It sounds interesting and maybe...possible.
See, [url=]Wikipedia, William Grant & Sons[/url] sohozhk - 蘇豪看香江?
by the way, 着草唔去台灣??? 幫我買d野嗎!
[img][/img] Pls. get it from ParknShop la..... :P
or Place your order directly to [url=]金安記[/url]
I shall ask them to give you a discount after receiving your order...don't worry about it...:D
〈--------- See, it's a good place to spend the rest of this Summer! :cool:
[[i] Last edited by sohozhk on 2005-8-7 at 11:10 PM [/i]]
哇~~d兄貼埋d小孩不宜既野出黎…:mad:你叫我今晚點算?蘇豪兄特快速遞一份過黎,快!:lol: [quote]Originally posted by [i]sohozhk[/i] at 2005-8-7 10:46 PM:
Pls. get it from ParknShop la..... [color=Red]就係果度買的 $14包[/color]
or Place your order directly to 金安記
I shall ask them to give you a discount after receiving your order...don't worry about it...
......婆羅乃買不到酒.....[color=Red]買到的(啤洒only), 去d中國人開既士多, 同老闆講, 有冇水買, 然後入房.............後門走人...........[/color]
〈--------- See, it's a good place to spend the rest of this Summer!
[/quote] d228216兄
用鸛頭波羅汁3成,溝7成香賓,又解渴又好飲. [quote]Originally posted by [i]史艷文2[/i] at 2005-8-8 12:35 AM:
用鸛頭波羅汁3成,溝7成香賓,又解渴又好飲. [/quote]
哈史兄, 波蘿汁依家野真係好洗好用呀!!;)
一罐 象山牌波蘿粒, 開2個小孔, 放出一半糖水, 加"白洒"/"香賓", 先自隊, 再將其餘"白洒"/"香賓", 灌入罐波蘿粒到, 放入冰格, 最小一日, 变成冰封波蘿粒.......去行山/游水/曬太陽等户外活動時食----------真係透心凉嫁!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2005-8-8 01:12 AM:
哈史兄, 波蘿汁依家野真係好洗好用... [/quote]