勝利女神乃琪(Nike):乃琪的形象是長著一對翅膀,身材健美,像從天徜徉而下,披掛單臂的衣服,露了一個乳房,衣袂飄然。她所到之處勝利也緊跟到來。亦是現今雅典娜神像手上已損壞的女神像 , 為她帶來勝利的女神 . yes and the do u know the story of the "check" for nike?
becoz i study graphic design before, i think most ppl study graphic know about it too. Nike's check mark is the wing of the goddness. The designer was an design student back then. She spend a few weeks doing the logo for her friend which is the owner of "Nike", but no matter what she can't come up with the good simple logo. Then she look at the goddness and think of the wing ...... and BANG ...... now come the check mark for Nike ...... and by the way back then the designer only got pay 100$USD for the design of the Logo..... "nike" is derived from a Greek word "nike," which literally means "victory."