小妹子又何常唔係貪食、愛睡、偷... [/quote]
無D gum geh 事!!!:mad:
多德他們向大家分亭他們對食geh常識和 交流烹調技巧 and 發表食府品評
thank you I want to post something about cooking too
Where can i post and filter-004 about it?
Thankyou 不過我都無錢買啦,唉..... [quote]Originally posted by [i]telephone[/i] at 2005-02-01 05:07:
I want to post something about cooking too
Where can i post and filter-004 about it?
Thankyou [/quote]
you can post in 吹水版
and call it【飲食天地】 ____________ <-----put the name of the food in after 【飲食天地】 Thank you :D [quote]Originally posted by [i]銘少[/i] at 2005-02-01 05:10:
不過我都無錢買啦,唉..... [/quote]
只吃個一次。 竟然沒看到這篇差點走寶:P
感謝十仔的分享及各位的解釋/見解~~:lol: [quote]Originally posted by [i]tenmadio[/i] at 2005-7-14 06:27 PM:
you can post in 吹水版
and call it【飲食天地】 ____________ <-----put the name of the food in after 【飲食天地】 Thank you :D [/quote]
Thanks for your help~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]telephone[/i] at 2005-02-01 09:27:
Thanks for your help~ [/quote]
ur welcome, i love to help :D