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RahXephon 發表於 2005-8-8 10:02 PM

[LCD TV] 選購一問


1. 如果想買LCDTV,budget $17,000 -$25,000,32",買乜牌子好?

2. 我見Shinco同JNC 37" LCDTV,都好平,其實邊隻會好啲,同埋呢兩隻牌子好唔好? 定係幫襯大廠貨... 但係都幾貴....

3. 其實選購LCDTV時要注意乜嘢?點至搵到好質素而又價錢合理?

4. 我知道買LCDTV都可以講價,其實通常可以叫低幾多價錢?


d228216 發表於 2005-8-8 10:12 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]RahXephon[/i] at 2005-8-8 10:02 PM:


1. 如果想買LCDTV,budget $17,000 -$25,000,32",買乜牌子好?
[color=Red]首推:Benq 37" HD LCDTV(新鮮) , 只$15000(預定) , 1920x1080点 直出1080i , DVI(其他 1366x768)[/color]
2nd Hitachi 32" LCDTV, $19000, 1366x768点, 有 HDMI
3rd Philips 32" LCDTV, $25000, 1366x768点, 有 HDMI

2. 我見Shinco同JNC 37" LCDTV,都好平,其實邊隻會好啲,同埋呢兩隻牌子好唔好? 定係幫襯大廠貨... 但係都幾貴....[color=Red] NO Way[/color]

3. 其實選購LCDTV時要注意乜嘢?
[color=Red]最好包冇死点, 保養要3年全保,[/color]   

[color=Red]自己親眼睇, 唔好聽 Sales 講[/color]

4. 我知道買LCDTV都可以講價,其實通常可以叫低幾多價錢?


hkcitywong 發表於 2005-8-9 12:04 AM

25000 can buy sharp already. Sharp is a leading brand in LCD-TV

d228216 發表於 2005-8-9 12:22 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]hkcitywong[/i] at 2005-8-9 12:04 AM:
25000 can buy sharp already. Sharp is a leading brand in LCD-TV [/quote]
In my personal preference, sharp is no good, colour too rich [ may be attactive at the first sight, but in long run, it will be very tried too see it ] it also too dark, cannot see details in dark area........

No HDMI connection at the price of $25000 level....

red16 發表於 2005-8-9 09:17 AM

啊?HK现时有BENQ 37 LCDTV?呵呵,好羡慕...
其实,LCDTV,除了著名的SHARP之外,LG OR samsung都OK

admin 發表於 2005-8-9 10:28 AM

in my option SIPS is the best, but if you want brighter, currently plasma is the only choice

d228216 發表於 2005-8-9 10:31 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]red16[/i] at 2005-8-9 09:17 AM:
Shinco?是新科?三洋不是这个英文名... [/quote]
TCL 未有得賣

szetoafk 發表於 2005-8-9 10:51 AM

LG d LCD TV, 都係香港廠做裝配, 只係個 display 係 LG 出品

tenmadio 發表於 2005-8-9 02:54 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]RahXephon[/i] at 8/8/2005 22:02:

1. 如果... [/quote]

Westinghouse W33001 30" LCD TV

Sharp AQUOS LC-37G4U 37" LCD TV

Samsung LT-P326W 32" LCD TV

Dell W3000 30" LCD TV

Sceptre X30SV-NagaIII 30" LCD TV

top 5 best value lcd tv, sorry i cannot type anymore information now....... kind of lazy/busy

this is us/canada... not sure about hk

RahXephon 發表於 2005-8-9 09:29 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2005-8-8 10:12 PM:


1. Benq 好似係台灣廠,信唔信得過? 不過價錢同個specification 都好吸引,香港邊度有得買?

2. HDMI有乜作用? (請原諒小弟是一個初哥,乜都唔識... :P )

3. 請回如果長時間開着LCDTV 有冇問題? (如果有問題的話咁係咪代表千祈唔好買陳列品?)


[[i] Last edited by RahXephon on 2005-8-9 at 09:32 PM [/i]]

hkcitywong 發表於 2005-8-9 09:36 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2005-8-9 12:22 AM:

In my personal preference, sharp ... [/quote]

Can you lower the color level? or it is still same ?

You are right, 25000 for sharp is still a non-HDmi version which is quite a critcal disadv. In industry, sharp, hitachi, samsung, LG, philips are quite reputable brand for sure.

d228216 發表於 2005-8-9 10:16 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]RahXephon[/i] at 2005-8-9 09:29 PM:


1. Benq 好似係台灣廠,信唔信得過? 不過價錢同個specification 都好吸引,香港邊度有得買?
[color=Red]Benq 係台灣廠, 我亦講咗, 質素方面不要太高要求, 你可以到 中原買(預定), 但我介紹你去高登商場 Benq shop 買, 平d, $15000.[/color]
2. HDMI有乜作用? (請原諒小弟是一個初哥,乜都唔識...  )
[color=Red]係最新的 數碼影像+聲音 介面, 一條線做曬, 質素又高.[/color]
3. 請回如果長時間開着LCDTV 有冇問題? (如果有問題的話咁係咪代表千祈唔好買陳列品?)
[color=Red]十個八個鐘冇問題, 但任何電器都要間中休息吓.....有錢梗係最新野啦![/color]謝謝各位大佬的幫忙!

d228216 發表於 2005-8-9 10:25 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]hkcitywong[/i] at 2005-8-9 09:36 PM:

Can you lower the color level... [/quote]
It is the Style problem, all Japan TV are colour attractive esp. Sharp LCD.

To obtain such high and deep colour tone, the cost is lower the level of details.

Another problem is pure-dark Panel, it also affect the level of details.

IN a ture joyful of viewing, a natural colour and sharpness is most important.

red16 發表於 2005-8-10 08:30 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2005-8-9 10:31 AM:

TCL 未有得賣 [/quote]

red16 發表於 2005-8-10 08:34 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]RahXephon[/i] at 2005-8-9 09:29 PM:
1. Benq 好... [/quote]
严格意义上,BENQ是国内大厂,当场是ACER进行业务分离,而单独成立的BENQ,后来再成立的BENQ集团,老实说,最近看BENQ,和台湾的联系已经很少了,BENQ集团不过负责把在苏州生产的东东 对海外市场的销售工作而已

red16 發表於 2005-8-10 08:35 AM


adamjacky123 發表於 2005-8-11 07:02 PM

美國 Syntax OLEVIA系列,
係時代廣場同旺角間豐澤做緊Promote, 32"賣$14000,


RahXephon 發表於 2005-8-11 09:27 PM

其實我search 過其他論壇,都話Olevia以平價機種來說都唔錯,唔知大家點睇?有冇用家的分享?質素如何?


我仲考慮緊買邊隻機。 無疑Sharp 真係好靚,但都好貴。 而我其實有唔會成日睇DVD,有冇hdmi頭好似唔係咁重要(因我冇HDMI的DVD機),睇到Olevia, Benq 37" 都只係15,000 - 17,000,真係好吸引 (Sharp 或其他大牌子最少>20,000)。

1. 我見Toshiba 同Panasonic,JVC 都有出LCDTV,只係18,000 左右,睇電視質素如何? 買唔買得過?

2. 係唔係所有LCDTV都可以直駁電腦? 我想自己set up 個media center,用電腦直出LCDTV播片?

希望大家唔好介意小弟咁多提問。 :P

d228216 發表於 2005-8-11 09:39 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]RahXephon[/i] at 2005-8-11 09:27 PM:
1. 我見Toshiba 同Panasonic,JVC 都有出LCDTV,只係18,000 左右,睇電視質素如何? 買唔買得過?[color=Red]睇電視質素 Philips 一定最高, 自家第五代數碼tuner[/color]

2. 係唔係所有LCDTV都可以直駁電腦? 我想自己set up 個media center,用電腦直出LCDTV播片?[color=Red]有列名電腦解像度的一定得....注意 Benq 37" 解像度係 1920x1080, 電腦一定要有 dual link 先出到 full screen.[/color]


no也, 好快所有機都轉 hdmi, 部TV冇, 好快又要換

[[i] Last edited by d228216 on 2005-8-11 at 09:41 PM [/i]]

red16 發表於 2005-8-12 08:55 AM

暂时倒没考虑过 HDTV接windows media center版本

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