nano 的結論
經過FRIEND搭FRIEND搭FRIEND之後﹐小弟前日終於有一部渣響手﹐第一個感覺真係好潮﹐但真正用起上黎就發覺唔係太好﹐若又聽歌又玩GAME既時候﹐個GAME會HANG HANG地﹐音質好似同大IPOD有些少出入。仲有就係部機真係簿得好交關﹐噤掣唔可以太大力﹐如果唔係部機真係會爆。不過RUNNING TIME真係好長。如果比我決定﹐我唔會買NANO﹐如果APPLE可以將IPOD MINI改彩MON甘就PERFECT喇。太簿太細既野始終唔夠實際﹐對於廠商黎講﹐錢就梗係好賺啦﹐但用家方面就唔係想象中甘完美喇。 how much is it selling in HK? 1600 for 2gb, 2000 for 4gb.........this is higher than the Apple's rrp it's really not a good deal, think about it, you'll be walking on the street and there will be people bumping into you, and if its that frail it will break 上網訂 學生價 HK$17XX 4GB it is hard to break it ar
i saw a test from a rich white people-_-".....
he did many test...
let me try to find it out..