iPod 投票
我想買返部。不過唔知邊部好。nano就型D,仲有黑色,又超薄。不過video就多功能D。唔知點揀。有無建議?? i have a 30G ipod, it is abit big, but i need it as a usb storage as well, but if u just wanna have a mp3, then i would prefer u to buy nano, very light and small, about the viedo function, i have no idea at all, do people watch movie and mtv in mtr or bus? sounds strange..haha...cheers anyway, i hate the market way of apple, even worse than sony, always have new things comes up in short time, and totally replace the old one......chasing apple product is killing people...damn american company 我都係度林緊,如果買部ipod video返去,會唔會用得著佢既其他功能。。。。。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]nothing777[/i] at 2005-10-19 04:04:anyway, i hate the market way of ap... [/quote]
apple真係幾無人性。話咁話ipod都出到第5代。無幾耐前出左部ipod photo,依家又出ipod video,如果之前買左photo果部真係慘。果時又貴過依家既video,功能又差好遠。 First of all , be careful few point
1)nano had been proofed it is extremely easily to damage the screen ...
U must handle with care ...
2)the major feature of Video ipod is online purchase video like "LOST", But the problem is, the screen of ipod is too small for video, if this feature is one of yr major need, I think there are some better option in market (iriver...creative ...) sorry ...the major thing is online video purchase feature is not available in asia market yet ...
so i think ..... wait wait is better
also, for own is always like ....(wait for the screen protector I mean fit size, released first) i think the main point is ~~
nano 4G price is about $2000
viedo 30G is about $2400
so ~~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]erik[/i] at 2005-10-19 14:18:
i think the main point is ~~
nano 4G price is about $2000
viedo 30G is about $2400
so ~~ [/quote]
但係video好似真係大部左D Oh ~~
> <
o [quote]Originally posted by [i]nothing777[/i] at 2005-10-17 08:04 AM:
anyway, i hate the market way of ap... [/quote]
that is very true = . = unfortunately, if you buy one, there is always gonna be one better. It's very hard to keep up with the models. :mad: But, for me..i'll wait until there's one that i REAAAALLY like..buy it.. then use it for about 2 years, then buy another one. Its very expensive changing every style la~
I think iPod video is okay..but if you realli wanted to watch videos, you would buy the PSP lah~ the screen is much BIGGER and quality is very good. PSP #1~!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]jojizzle[/i] at 2005-10-19 18:15:
that is very true = . = unfortu... [/quote]
我應家已經有PSP。咁你覺得我係唔係應該買nano??不過PSP得1GB。睇片得好少。 = . =" that's true.. ai yo.. why can't there just be one machine that does everything?? =P
Well, shaqkobe... the ipod Nano is smaller.. if you are taking the PSP out AND an iPod Video, would it be too heavy? =S
There is 2GB mem card for psp coming out.. and soon, on ver 2.5 on the PSP, there will be TV available ^.^" [quote]Originally posted by [i]jojizzle[/i] at 2005-10-19 18:34:
= . =" that's true.. ai yo.. ... [/quote]
TV available ?有既咩? [quote]Originally posted by [i]jojizzle[/i] at 2005-10-19 18:34:
= . =" that's true.. ai yo.. ... [/quote]
係有道理喎。。:D 好似nano擺出黎都潮d 睇睇呢個參考:[url=http://china5.nikkeibp.co.jp/china/news/digi/digi200510250130.html]拆解ipod[/url] ipod video 好DD...
貴少少,大GB的 我都諗緊出邊部,想就想買4G既nano,但諗諗下比多幾舊水就有30G用~
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