w800i定k750i好d????????????? thx.................... k750i why? 平d,工能差唔多,外型靚d,唔好只係追求新野 講得好........... 又係呢個題目=.=" 只比較果相機鏡頭,,750有蓋合埋...800冇..會藏塵... [quote]Originally posted by [i]Asurada129[/i] at 2005-10-20 11:35:只比較果相機鏡頭,,750有蓋合埋...800冇..會藏塵... [/quote]
800i都有鏡頭蓋架喎。 I think K750i's style will be more "longlasting"... W800i's too sharp for some people... K750i is more traditional.. so.. if you want your phone to "always look new", get the K750i.. if not, jump on the bandwagon and get the W800i... 我都覺得 k 750i 係好 d ~
講真佢地兩者 d function 都係差唔多, 但係 w 800 very expensive !