買 Sony Ericsson W550i 四日就壞
火都o黎埋真係,OFF "Blue Tooth" 已經有遲緩同 hang 機問題(好多人都係),今日睡醒開機得白畫面!!
SUNDAY 無現貨換,叫我去 Sony Ericsson 有一換一,
因為師父要 check 兩個鐘証明唔係人為損毀先肯換.... QC 真係差!!
o個到有條友仔最快壞機紀錄係 W800i 一日就壞。
:mad: wow...i guess this answer my other post
plus i've found out that there's no mms in w550i
so...i guess it's a big NoNo
how abt w800i???
one day...haha 咁唔好彩。:lol: [quote]Originally posted by [i]herothree[/i] at 2005-10-20 10:37 PM:
wow...i guess this answer my other post
plus i've found out that there's no mms in w550i
so...i guess it's a big NoNo
how abt w800i???
one day...haha [/quote]
wat's mms??and wat's wrong with no mms?? 我用se 機2年幾,一d壞都無wo...
你唔好彩囉... [quote]Originally posted by [i]fmchelloauntie[/i] at 2005-10-21 14:12:
我用se 機2年幾,一d壞都無wo...
你唔好彩囉... [/quote]
我之前都用過3次seD機。一部係T610、一部係k700i、一部係w800i,全部都功能正常。可能真係要講彩數。 我想買w900i [quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2005-10-20 10:56 PM:
我之前都用過3次seD機。一部係T610、一部係k700i、一部係w800i,全部都功能正常。可能真係要講彩數。 [/quote]
E, 咁q, 我都係lee 三部wor, (ericsson T-68) 唔計, 但講真ar, SE D 機qc都唔係幾好! By the way shaqkobe 兄你唔係放佐w800 la mei!? now 用緊乜機ar? [quote]Originally posted by [i]coke123[/i] at 2005-10-23 14:35:
E, 咁q, 我都係lee 三部wor, (ericsson T-68) 唔計, 但講真ar, SE D 機qc都唔係幾好! By the way shaqkobe 兄你唔係放佐w800 la mei!? now 用緊乜機ar? [/quote]