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Visvim x MMJ Backpack & Waist Pack + Zip Skagway

from hypebeast

Continuing its partnership, visvim teams up with mastermind JAPAN yet again,

this time working up two new versions of the classic ballistic backpack and waist pack.

Both are offered in a tonal black colorway with the backpack boasting Horween Elk Leather paneling

and the waist pack featuring Horween leather as well.

Retail is set at ¥48,300 (Approx. $542 USD) and ¥36,750 (Approx. $413 USD) respectively.

A second collaboration for the Winter season between both visvim and mastermind JAPAN comes to light.

This time both work together on a special make up of the Skagway high top.

The shoes feature a classic Chuck Taylor cut with side zipper and black & white colorway.

Stay tuned for a closer look in the coming weeks.

★ 趣 趣 哋 ~ 分 享 自 C A P 明 星 美 圖 ★

_______________________________________________________ by vbvb


★ 趣 趣 哋 ~ 分 享 自 C A P 明 星 美 圖 ★

_______________________________________________________ by vbvb

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 潮人特搜 » Visvim x MMJ Backpack & Waist Pack + Zip Skagway

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