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[27/6吹水加分題]究景 尖子 定 白子 ?

最近新聞特備節目 經常出現所謂 資優 , 尖子 , 之類的名詞.3 v3 A/ z, J' m% Y( V8 ]# C; I3 t
% j. V1 M; G1 T$ Y9 H5 u
佢地話 所謂 資優 就係 IQ 達 150 或以上的人. 而尖子就係學術成績優異., [  e* b+ j4 x: x

6 |1 O* x1 z; j根住又話証府會出大量資源去follow 敢話.
2 D0 i2 x/ J0 f  @( X$ e1 I. ~7 K& I7 ?) q5 E3 z" n1 H9 b: k) _
細佬係好多年N前做過 港大的一個 IQ TEST, 結果係 135, 所以唔係資優, 但係生活上比人叻小小, 比較容易揾2餐飯仔食吓.! b$ e9 G2 g- E. U

0 _& g6 L$ h; ~# L7 {' o3 p睇咗果個特備節目, 見到d所謂資優青年, 個樣都係 "得得地", 好似 high 咗野今, 講說話冇黎大體, 目空一切, 比着二、三十年前, 實比人捉入青山.(不過青山面可能真係好多 e d 人)
2 [. i- O2 ]4 t4 J% R: V% S
9 @9 z8 L9 s4 c% Z3 H* U) k; J9 q其實我想同大家講既係一個道理:  有得必有失
$ k5 c& n# Y2 _. }4 F
7 }& a, m7 b# P0 |5 t6 G現代社會 人人的天資都係差唔多的, 平均相差小於一成, 点解? 食物問題: 真正營養不良的人只佔極小數.(非洲果d 唔計 講緊現代社會), 所以 BB 仔出世時 大致係一樣.% C5 H% [, n# i4 O! Z1 C( s

/ j, R3 M7 a7 {3 p7 t果 d 所謂 資優/尖子, 其實大部份係 殘障 人士, (好似d 盲人今, 佢地d 聽覺呀臭覺呀 特別勁, 唔通佢地又係資優?) 佢地 IQ 係高, 但係 EQ 呀, 品德呀, 就不得了今低........佢地大部份重有一個好大的問題, 就係人際關係.  佢地連老豆老母都睇唔起, 嚴格來講佢地連基本人性都冇!) }) n* L1 Y9 L1 {

, t& s) ?$ S+ J% O6 s7 C而政府就花大資源去支援佢地, 但唔係用棃醫佢地既行為問題, 而係推高佢d IQ, 簡直係送佢地去死!
1 w3 t% J$ @3 G/ ^5 J
1 c+ K& R4 |$ k5 D0 _4 ?大家点睇?; i: F* y$ H& r3 e
有冇D 資優 , 尖子 睇到? 可以現身說法?
/ d( F8 X2 f% {% K
* I2 W0 Z# A8 M( |* J
[ Last edited by 月月鳥 on 2005-6-27 at 08:43 PM ]
# N5 x3 L* |: S& c在我中學時也遇見不少,
& M3 h0 g; V6 p* P9 {佢地常日都發裨四,,1 Q" @1 _+ N& N
性格似d 4,5歲咁,
1 P( Q; ~! F7 d8 c' a$ T( _有次仲打老師,停課三日,$ p- u2 [/ i  {; f
* K8 F( ^. }2 ^1 G) F
! r% I1 u/ j# b: N' R- U, g* z& f我黑心講句,
8 U+ ~; o6 z0 [佢地要政府花一大筆$$去「供」,% R6 T% o" d/ R' Z" H
但自己有能力卻不願去做,4 y0 I/ W2 W  h0 ~3 k
5 ^1 o% ~- X7 Y+ k  f
Totally agree.....those children eye-sight is too narrow for the future
% y( M8 _* _# }) {" f/ t# H, ^IQ high is useless if EQ is low....don't know how come goverment will spend so much time and concern on these children.+ {6 U( i/ A- A. t6 s
Always say go to school is useless and can't concentrate for study. Waste time to think and living in their own world., I/ T4 b6 q1 v- m
In the reality, the main important is know how to catch the chance which find out by yourself.; b2 M* E, q+ G3 D: j
For example: Can we do the IQ test with high score and then no need to study?- S2 h% u+ b  j8 q9 C: r
                  My major study is Economic and i have watch the movie Beautiful Mind.
7 `6 z) ^% T# ^- B$ m! v                  The main character John Nash, master of equalibrium, mental illness...butfinally got the nobel prize.....just think....how many ppls will be like this?....haha....
+ v! r( t' Z6 Z0 h9 W3 P& y$ n% E% NConcluded, no matter how high IQ are you, at least you needs to continue to study....at least....open eye-sight....our world is so big
0 R% V0 s/ ~; E/ G2 \2 J6 k
. ^7 d2 C* g# _4 S9 _% UHope + a little score
' w/ n1 V" g5 X1 l' `6 B+ S2 {6 o% j* j0 f
版主,政府可以點醫佢地呀?2 ?  e4 G. t* B: C& y- H4 l
唔通叫佢地睇社工咩?* K% I' h0 C0 v+ o2 z4 K, g( v
  p6 a) `4 j  Y, a2 a5 n( W' C  d: {# E: ?8 O; V2 c
做人處世,待人接物依d 野, L/ G+ w# W! k, d0 e
好難教架wor- ~6 s0 {0 v+ J0 p8 h

1 w4 ?9 _+ M# V: G! e4 g唯有希望佢地多d 參與課外活動
: J( E7 s1 x5 ^! v! n! F1 e5 x# J多d同人相處,從中學習啦  e) y( q* L9 ?, N9 K% E, {
) P' ^! g7 N& U( a; N  |
小弟係大學見過d尖子2 r9 A' x7 e' P, l" x
大部份真係好醒目,9 Q% g* C1 D5 X2 I
係有d(特別係大學讀science果d )好似低低地者
Originally posted by homan~ at 2005-6-27 10:05 PM:
" _" ~9 g# T+ e5 @( C版主,政府可以點醫佢地呀?
' ~4 b/ P0 y0 Q1 n  V唔通叫...
, |8 q8 ]  @. B2 p* ?  [3 B+ V
: x) k( \3 i' k2 Z( ]5 N: d$ U, S
政府 - 在未諗点樣幫佢地之前, 就想辨法 谷 佢地, 從他的身上渣出 所為 社會利益, 而有d無知既父母, 以為自已冇能力, 就推比政府, 重沾沾自喜同人講......佢地唔知 推咗自已d仔女去死!
& }4 \7 `2 ^- r5 l! B/ Y佢地平時有少少自閉咁,係平常人眼中...$ ^( A* r( B1 V: t0 h& B
$ u3 v3 ]  z4 l* m) d4 s0 R* s( {我諗政府供佢地係想叫下佢地出去比下賽,威下咁囉~& H( E" g3 ~# A% p- _+ `& T
Originally posted by wanmankit at 2005-6-27 10:39 PM:0 ^) U$ g# c7 d9 c. F" L
- U" |( a3 K5 Z2 ^
- L* a, r' K( l' x! U9 f0 |, j
問題唔係佢地既貢獻, 係佢地有好大破壞力...例如:商業罪案
無疑每個人天生的資質都有高下之分,但我相信該分別並唔會完全主宰一個人之後成功與否。 一個人成功與否取決於佢的心理資素,取決於他對自己做的事的專注及毅力。尖子對知識或資訊的吸收無疑比一般人快,但學完之後懂不懂去運用完全是另一回的事。 其次,我地係生活喺群體社會中,組織的成功往往比個人的成功來得重要得多,如何引發同伴的能力取決於溝通技巧及對同伴的理解,這些並不能在課堂中學到的。
  D( ]* {9 u' [
* C. w+ n3 s* c5 I* ~, o9 H, L0 q奈何而家政府及傳媒往往標籤了這些所謂的尖子(或甚麼10優狀元云云),很容易令佢地一朝得志,語無論次,反而忽略了謙遜求學的精神。 在校園生活還可以,但一出來社會做事便會吃盡苦頭......
* z* Z. r" {: ]4 @
% H& p( v- ]# `) j% o+ }% G- C0 C# e我讚成政府在學術上可以分配多些資源去培育佢地,但要低調地進行,更不能忽略多方面的發展,這樣才可避免尖子變白子。
講真d人係資優IQ真係150 或以上的人,2 V  l& w+ [3 S/ B
但呢人都係有d特別既原因,所以係IQ4 l- \4 R; d: x  y: l# b: M
係勁高.同埋有d人可能真係身體上有d7 i( U8 Z+ f6 T
6 _) Q! w- M5 s. w# ~
& ^! v  ?8 I- V0 T: r4 o不過呢d資優既人,朋友方面應該唔係太3 }" d2 P+ c$ ~0 Y! [% w
; K$ S* g0 q- @8 C9 _) u可能係EQ係好差,IQ就好高,我就覺得唔
% Y2 i/ A: y2 l# {6 e( i. j係幾.咁而家一方面高 一方面低,生活咁
( z( X( B$ }* g1 S" Z就好唔正常啦,最好就IQ EQ 都普通/幾好* \& I* ^4 E3 {5 b" \4 t" K
Originally posted by RahXephon at 2005-6-28 12:14 AM:, c: H& I! W! e
- ~& P8 q( t: Z

% S- d: W* \) {' R9 i, F! qThat's well said. 4 j7 |# q/ B7 ~

6 M/ r# |* L# a; M# h
; d8 F0 {8 @2 u0 W5 C" BIn my final year of high school there was this guy who's really a smart cookie. The result of the IQ test was about 140 and he was actually awarded a scholarship to Harvard. I had to admit I was pretty envious of this fellow. The guy took off to Boston with loads of scholarship $ in his truck.
- g3 c0 u" Y# O) X8 C8 _4 p1 v, h; p/ p6 B8 X
Two years into my undgraduate study, we heard of him again. His face didn't appear in the newspaper or somthing like that. But he dropped out of Harvard. What happened was he got there, studied really hard but managed to get a B at Harvard only. He got depressed and started drinking and party a lot. Eventaully he used up his scholarship $ and was asked to leave. 10 years has passed and he never even finished university." g8 B7 k: ?8 R' x

! b0 \  B- l( y8 D* LLike a lot of us have stated, EQ is equally important as IQ (in my mind EQ is even more important). Success in professional life does not depend on how smart you are (unless you want to be a specialist within secret services). Most major co-op these days hire not the smartest people, but the ones with all around knowledge. For example, medical school these days dont' just look at your MCAT and undergrad degree (in US school system, an undergrad is entrance requirement for medicine), some choose applicants w/ business background instead of pharmacy. Specialty is important and IQ does play a role in one's success, but being able to apply your specific knowledge by adaptation is the most important skill in the next  20 yrs in career development. (I won't give away too much of these....will share more sometime in a new post..stay tuned )
8 \: @+ d& c7 |8 S8 g* z* f
! N: B. D: U2 q: M' c: wTo those who has high IQs: don't congratualte youself too soon...stay humble and you will learn a lot more and see a lot more.
( P# w; Q! e% C, I8 D7 ^  B$ ]* q# M& f
To those who has no so high IQs (including myself): good for you....the humility will make you more of a teachable student and will increase your motivation to learn....you can't boost up your IQs but you may catch things faster than those w/ high IQs.  y- |1 V6 z1 t  j
1 R3 I; B, H% Q7 [; n, a7 N" U0 I
my 2 cents.

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