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Shine Your Shoes In 5 Easy Steps

There's nothing like stepping out in a squeaky clean pair of shoes and making a great first impressionboth at the office and after hours. Call it superficial if you like,but the reality is that shoes are one of the first things people noticewhen meeting you for the first time -- and trust me, you will be judged on your shoes.

Do you want people to think you're sloppy, unprofessional or evencareless? I didn't think so. That said, take the extra time to makesure your shoes look clean and properly shined at all times.

Shining your shoes is a task that will take less than 30 minutes eachtime, and if you break down the cost of a good shoeshine kit andcompare it to the number of times you'll be shining your shoes, you'llsee that it's completely worth it in the long run.the shoeshine kitAcomplete shoeshine kit costs anywhere between $25 and $60 depending onthe brand and quality of the shoe polish and brushes. Keep in mind thatyou usually get what you pay for -- a first-rate shoeshine kit is sureto be long-lasting.

A typical shoeshine kit includes:

  A shoeshine and polish brush  Shine or buffing cloths (aka chamois or chammy)  A shoehorn  Standard brown and black polish  An all-purpose leather cleaner and conditioner shoeshine kit replacementIfyou're on a tight budget, there's no need to worry because you can savesome money by purchasing each component separately and making your ownshoeshine kit. All you'll need are two brushes and some polish, and youcan even replace the chamois with a cotton cloth, old T-shirt, socks,or dishrags, which serve the same purpose.

For best results, use cotton swabs or a toothbrush to shine those hard-to-reach spots on your shoes.

Your shoes will be as good as new after these 5 steps... Next Page >>
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 潮人特搜 » Shine Your Shoes In 5 Easy Steps

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