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knowledge, Inter-personal skills, wisdom

Knowledge: It defines your ability, you know more, you have higher ability to do something or doing something better. But may be you don't have the chance to do something, in that case your knowledge is useless.
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Intet-personal skills : It give you opportunity, when you are studying in school, everyone follows more or less the same path, exam result seems to be the major scale for measuring you, but when you come out, we have different paths wo select. Whether you can join different paths depends on your inter-personal skills. Remeber opportunity is always given by others.
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Wisdom : Your consolidation on experience and values. No matter how much opportunity have you had, how good is your ability in achieving your goal, you got to feel its worth doing it.   H/ E+ B" ~8 m* _) N2 S4 a

4 S- z% {; o+ Z- UA handsome interesting boy since too easy in dating a good girl , he may not treasure what he have and take it for granted. In this case, he didn't have the wisom to feel the beauty of love.
8 y6 s9 u2 s/ r8 ^3 I% x4 d7 C, r3 x# n5 Z8 N- j( g( c
三缺一? 一樣都無? 我都係呀 !!!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 前途...?

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