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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 國家地理頻道將於4月9日全球首播「《猶大福音》紀錄片
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Originally posted by 迷途小羔羊 at 2006-4-11 02:35:7 K% n! e2 W! d1 ^# [  T3 X
$ Y3 S0 U" F6 A( k2 y( r  L
Great points!!!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
If you live in North America, the encore presentation is at National Geographic Channel on Thurs April 13 at 9pm ET/6pm PT.( i; C5 l$ [: T( a1 D! d" v; {

4 V0 H6 z5 V- p8 R- p: n迷途小羔羊  had some really good points. However the bigger question is: Why is this Gospel of Judas phenonmenon such a big deal?
; z* M% d$ i3 ~, W! c: T
$ q9 R/ j; I% w  {  nTraditional understanding of Judas is him being a 'bad guy' who betrayed Jesus for $. He alone responsible for the death of Jesus. Christians (both Protestant and Catholics) would hold similiar view. Peter may have been a coward who denied his master 3 times but Judas was the one who 'killed' Jesus. Is this true?( n8 x0 e/ o& q  i& M
. j/ z) [4 t# y) {( Y
I can understand the frenziness of this becasue these people (business) are always good w/ marketing (remember its Easter time here). The general public are having a field day with all the mysteries and conspiracies. We all love to 平反 for Judas...whether we are believers of the Christian faith or not.$ G& [- p4 ]8 p1 B/ r5 f. T5 |
6 N4 T' m. c- n% u/ n
What is a 'hero'? What is more important in this story of death and resurrection (let's assume for a while, that Jesus did die and rose again for people's sin)? Is it the hero (the process/tool) or the result (according to the Christian theology, the cleansing of sins)?% ^3 m( J2 V8 |4 F4 ]5 a

5 s0 _3 X7 U; L, p6 |+ K$ ^3 Q, pI think the reality is..in the core beliefs of Christianity, that Christ died for people and wiped out their sins. If God really is omnipotent and he intended to finsih his purpose in Jesus, he could use Judas, Peter, you and me to accomplish his purpose.
; N* X* h" ]4 N$ d$ t% J0 v8 |
7 c3 R& b6 U- h6 [# N; |* KThe Christian concept of God is that God is NEVER DEPENDENT on anyone. The Christian God is a self-sufficient God and does not need any help. Period., B) V" i% R# e- D, b
7 @! Z# R  w+ |! _% O
The documentary is good for us (Christians or not) to look beyond the traditional understanding of this lost disciple. We do have to remember...there are reasons why this book is not included in the canon of the Catholic (and later Protestant) bible. $ `: ~1 R* W* ~8 y$ S
) n; O8 b, ?* l6 E) W

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2006-4-12 06:31 AM:$ e9 o9 J: H( }/ K$ s( B  h7 i2 `4 H
If you live in North America, the e...
( E- ^, P/ M8 o  j可惜不知香港幾時有得看...
Originally posted by 迷途小羔羊 at 2006-4-12 10:57 PM:8 }- q0 U" Y8 f: D7 [3 V; y

" f% `6 z! N6 B$ N. Z# @7 z可惜不知香港幾時有得看...
9 K. D' T+ X! z0 x: g5 d

$ `3 N& t. H7 _) ], xApril 12 (Wed) 晚 10pm show左la (at National Geographic Channel)!
1 _& \% T# Q/ q9 v0 g
3 L) }* ^4 Q2 d# ^4 _2 U5 h- N; i0 t( [9 J3 ?7 `% y

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 國家地理頻道將於4月9日全球首播「《猶大福音》紀錄片

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