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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » [M.C.C. 2008] --- Mischievous Child's Club 2008
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Originally posted by BOYDWAN at 2006-8-1 12:52 AM:

maybe his jj is hardly to find out~
cover by the fur
Originally posted by kgkgkg212121 at 2006-8-1 12:52 AM:

you have to make a lot of things on the bed
Let me tell you whatever I cook on Bed will be solid hard and hot.

I get to go right now and will be back this evening @7:00pm CST.  = 8:00am HKTime

You guy continue your party.
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Originally posted by clkgtr at 2006-8-1 00:52:

tear it off
just pull them out one by one~
hey boy....will any points deduction if writting even a single chinese word here???
seems the rules here not clear enough now.....(just my opinion)

....i also know my name suggestion a little bit sucks.....
http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthr ... ;page=2&fpage=1
Originally posted by kgkgkg212121 at 2006-8-1 00:52:

you have to make a lot of things on the bed
make wet dream~
Originally posted by BOYDWAN at 2006-8-1 12:43 AM:

after the shower, nacked and sit in front of the computer, open the web-cam and show us your body~
nacked and sitting in front of the computer already, everyone get ready, i'm going to open my web-cam la.
Originally posted by Lyon at 2006-8-1 12:58 AM:

nacked and sitting in front of the computer already, everyone get ready, i'm going to open my web-cam la.
I've been waiting for you~
Originally posted by Lyon at 2006-8-1 12:58 AM:

nacked and sitting in front of the computer already, everyone get ready, i'm going to open my web-cam la.
i'm gonna buy popcorn, waitin' for your show~~
Originally posted by feuosma at 2006-8-1 00:56:
hey boy....will any points deductio...
as you know, I hate to deduct points from member~
so I will just try my best to tell them not to write any chinese words in here, of course that's not a big problem if some of them really need to write in chinese to tell us something, as "key-words"~
hey~ your suggestion & question is very important for us to get improve, if you find anything wrong just tell us~
thx a lot pal~
got to go....see you guys~~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » [M.C.C. 2008] --- Mischievous Child's Club 2008

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