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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 各位,有無什麼生髮水牌子可介紹呀??
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My fd, 生髮水can't really make ur scalp grow hair ga, it's only work as delating the speed of hair-loss. Once u start to use, u cant stop that, otherwise hair-loss will go faster ga~ This is my customers told me~(I am a hair-stylist)
7 u$ o' Z- c7 o. qOur teachers (I finished my gairdressing certIII n get my license in Australia) told us that the only efficient way is, when u find ur hair-loss begins, keep message ur scalp everyday with soft pressure n not to scratch it(in case u hurt ur scalp). It helps the circulation in scalp n hopefully can delate the hair loss process.
. q2 F' ~2 B( d1 }The one that most of them recommanded is Regein.+ e/ r3 D% K7 ?& x8 h
Hope this can help u~
# W! S- h. [) a# c. e6 Q1 ?' @5 ~But remember, once the hair-bulb dead, it cant be recover!!! N the hair wont grow out again~
Thank you very much
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 各位,有無什麼生髮水牌子可介紹呀??

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