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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 肥玲玲是風水界恥辱嗎??
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多選投票, 共有 0 人參與投票
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i prefer not to ans this question because its a very leading one... this question intend to give us a indirect persumption that she is a negative person
I have no opinion on your topic ~( U3 m4 d6 {1 A  u) b% _9 z
But you better del the post [麥玲玲是風水界恥辱嗎??] ,
4 n6 h2 w/ w! ]# T: X* z% Zbecause I think that both of this two topic are similar.
You just want to increase your 積分 ja, if you wanna filter-004 this, please talk about your own opinion/view 1st, don't start a bullshit thead like this, it just waste our time!!!
Originally posted by magic at 2007-2-15 01:23 AM:
6 B) l$ G& d7 `0 T: B! _! H6 R玲玲是風水界恥辱嗎??...畀D意見..
# g7 b3 A  F; g: w
Originally posted by easy_man at 2007-2-15 01:32 AM:4 l& A7 V* q- d! Z' \# C' k# Z
I have no opinion on your topic ~
! Q7 D, `; l+ a, `; M- ]But you better del the post [麥玲玲是風水界恥辱嗎??] ,
. @0 w0 n( [8 l- w1 [' Ubecause I think that both of this two topic are similar.
9 E2 A% @- L' N4 W( r$ {9 m係烏龍貼錯...
Originally posted by angry888 at 2007-2-15 01:35 PM:
8 P: d+ l5 L' y) ~- l我投風水界是人類的恥辱。
1 n+ g6 p0 V1 B
Originally posted by magic at 2007-2-15 02:29 PM:* T! I6 I( E3 ?) d/ r. ~
2 X: d2 q, q9 n  _& @- w
' h7 W& ?' Y2 h7 B& @( z; j4 [7 i! l
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 肥玲玲是風水界恥辱嗎??

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