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edc事件~juice 去向會點a?

單選投票, 共有 0 人參與投票
28.57% (2)
71.43% (5)

唔知juice 會唔會執le........
Originally posted by leochan1991 at 2008-2-23 04:24 PM:
Originally posted by boysbe at 2008-2-23 03:36 PM:
平心而論,clot d衫係邊值錢呢?設計唔係好靚,加入中國原素?一件咁既唐裝又算係架啦?
一條花looklook既牛,幾千蚊,日牛咩你估,操又唔好操........d product又靜係識crossover人地牌子

p.s如果clot d衫唔係陳冠希著,你會唔會仲覺得好睇呢?

[ Last edited by hitmecomecome on 2008-2-23 at 08:16 PM ]
Originally posted by hitmecomecome at 2008-2-23 08:15 PM:

absolutely agree~~
唔知點解.... 我想佢貶值添....-_-
d潮童真係喊都無謂 hahaha....!
doubt JUICE would actually close or whatever... Edison isn't the only owner you know?
Don't think Clot will die yet, soon, but not just yet..... however, i believe shitloads of resellers out there are in dipshit right now since they got so much in stocked and these so-call 潮童 might bail out of Clot hahaah
Originally posted by ronald711 at 2008-2-23 09:14 PM:

absolutely agree~~
唔知點解.... 我想佢貶值添....-_-
d潮童真係喊都無謂 hahaha....!
oh.... from a psychological view, you might dislike Clot because you hate "潮童", or perhaps you just don't agree how they live their lives much better than you and i had when we were kids/young. You may disagree, like most people, but this could very be the cause why so many people hate and dislike... hahahhahaaah

just my 2cent, and im not lookin back at this so dont bother replying
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 潮人特搜 » edc事件~juice 去向會點a?

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