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發表於 2008-10-1 01:55 AM
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原帖由 brightlee 於 2008-9-30 12:54 PM 發表 
Oh my goodness....are you asking any opinion about diving to a professional referee?!
Diving = Attacking players try to cheat referee to make crucial decision. That’s enough for booking as referee w ... Come on, I KNEW that players cannot call me or whatsoever in the game
what i wanted to stress is that............Diving ----> to win a penalty or a free kick
Obviously i knew that ref will give yellow to diving players~ but why do people still DIVE??????
Did u actually think of it????
The main thing is that, if all DIVING is spotted out, players will never dive.....but the fact that football game is partially determined by referee, so there is a situation where the ref is giving the wrong judgement tells us that.......football game is kind of different~
我想講, 如果插水係咁不道德, 咁不君子, 點解仲有球員去插呢?????
球証-------係好多時會判錯, 球員就係捉住呢點先去插...........
或者咁講.....如果有instant video review,就無問題啦......邊個仲會插?
無錯, 係响球証睇到的情況下
球員插得, 就一定要承受一個風險,就係比球証睇到比牌
the is the rule of the game~ but the rule also says......if the ref gives a PEN......its a PEN
佢地插水, 係冒著拿黃牌的危險去做...........但若果真係搏到佢地就贏啦
最終..........插水與否, 都係歸咎於球証的判決....所以........插水我真係覺得無錯, 但亦唔arm |