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少女時代 - Diamond [新MV] HD720

本帖最後由 zeroviva0 於 2012-1-10 08:21 PM 編輯



[Tiffany] When the snow begins to fly, above the smoky, smoky sky, you came
Along like a snowflake, and brightened up my day
[Taeyeon] There is just one thing I need on this snowy winter day
Call me a fool to love you, but I want nothing but you
[Sooyoung] Oh, I have to hear your voice, the one that brings me joy
[Seohyun] And your warmth slowly wraps around my heart... boy, can't you see?

[ALL] The lights are shining on me, and it's like a diamond
I'm spinning around, rocking around like a diamond

[Yuri] That's because I'm filled with emotions
[Jessica] Everybody's waiting for the holidays
Candies and toys of silver trays
And there is one thing special... Boy, you are my present
[Sunny] There is just one thing I need on this snowy winter day
Call me a fool to love you, but I want nothing but you
[Yoona] Oh, I have to hear your voice, the one that brings me joy
[Yuri] And your warmth slowly wraps around my heart...
Boy, can't you see?

[ALL] The lights are shining on me, and it's like a diamond
I'm spinning around, rocking around like a diamond

[Hyoyeon] That's because I'm filled with emotions
[Sunny] That's because I'm filled with emotions

[Seohyun] You're shining, you're gleaming
Oh, you melt me like white snow, oh
[Tiffany] You're shining, you're gleaming
[Taeyeon] And your warmth slowly wraps around my heart
Boy, can't you see

[ALL] The lights are shining on me, and it's like a diamond
I'm spinning around, rocking around like diamonds

[Jessica] To your heart

[ALL]The lights are shining on me, and it's like a diamond
I'm spinning around, rocking around like a diamond

[Jessica] That's because I'm filled with emotions
[Tiffany] That's because I'm filled with emotions



very good
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » 少女時代 - Diamond [新MV] HD720

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