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Originally posted by inpennhouse at 2005-4-9 09:54 PM:+ {( I; h) `& @2 g
唔信 你睇下教宗都死左la 死之前重要咁辛苦 又唔見jesus去打救佢
% T5 s+ D+ b% J; @- @4 l4 b. T/ b" L
/ G% V$ v' q2 A5 U

/ U5 s$ J. |( o' z9 @$ M' U- }生老病死係人必經, 中西方既宗教都係主長永生, 人生只係一小部份
. Y! g& q( {- V8 V( @% @+ |, e佢地都只係想導人向善, 活得有意義
) Z7 j! M- y/ q' E: @! V) D4 I; d大道理我唔識, 但任何宗教都唔應該用黎信口開河/開玩笑% [5 |' d/ K' w6 M' [
希望大家明白, 成熟d同專重別人既信仰( }" v7 _% C! r, f  E2 R' F; `

) F5 G- i. e2 H' }4 [3 h[ Last edited by crap on 2005-4-10 at 08:04 AM ]
Originally posted by inpennhouse at 2005-4-9 21:54:/ }3 D1 a- c6 v. m/ d$ ^: E: j
唔信 你睇下教宗都死左la 死之前重要咁辛苦 又唔見jesus去打救佢
* O; f( y$ T- ^* n( v2 N  E& N. M/ W) v) |; d# g
I don't want to say in rude way...
- T! n5 S; @  K7 b8 T! ]9 K, k
9 }5 a' V2 [9 a( m+ ?but in reality, how could u know?!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
god is only for some people who don't believe themselves to believe.
Originally posted by ilove---you at 09:39 AM 09:39 AM:! i: [: x' g- R

" l& E# Q0 ]' v$ k9 N
. v# t! x/ ~  D7 E5 l; d% H你信就有,唔信咪無囉!
, J& b5 D- S4 l- ]5 J; hi also wan say this but give you say first....so think wat u think.....if u think have so have,if no so no la......
Originally posted by neptune1122 at 2005-4-10 15:35:# Q# [6 l4 h, k7 q$ X: b' k' @

6 }% K& a$ ^: Z; `, |; |8 l+ [9 Q5 Mi also wan say this but give you say first....so think wat u think.....if u think have so have,if no so no la......
. v9 U1 D1 o1 w
5 f+ n  i/ H, T3 m# x& Q' K8 o, Jyes, your setences is much better and in polite right!!
3 n, J5 @) ~9 l4 f3 X! o1 `) C
( W6 H; X- ~% o+ O2 \3 A$ l^^
( b/ H. P/ A* \# Elast one is really immature and in rude
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 05:44 AM 05:44 AM:6 y8 U1 R* R( C

. x6 ~& u1 x! m9 d$ \
8 N: }3 _9 g# v; o# Myes, your setences is much better and in polite right!!
0 Q4 f9 W- D4 {  m: z0 m
8 c5 V$ W! Z  ]. Y^^
6 Y+ |3 ^7 `, O% d0 y0 z# C) Qlast one is really immature and in rude
8 k7 T$ r" M! e* d1 B" H5 ?' K8 U
thanks bright.......
Originally posted by anttiniemi2000 at 2005-4-10 01:22 PM:! \5 E, `1 U: u. H2 f) j3 o
god is only for some people who don't believe themselves to believe.
& G& k6 R& }# c' m& u/ l$ i5 a8 i) Z, w0 [) Z
+ c/ ?' d0 h- F' e+ t" V
People pray to God for world peace, people who don't believe in God is part of the world
Originally posted by crap at 2005-4-10 16:41:
) w0 a- ^% b8 j' ~; F5 ~0 F. I6 s/ \/ g7 O

* w) q# A% T* ]& g/ H% V9 B; k8 i0 ?7 W
People pray to God for world peace, people who don't believe in God is part of the world
% y" {% s) g( L( w2 y. b2 }
$ k0 O8 o# k# }; |( k$ i/ s
good quote.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Yes, it is the basically the number one rule of my believal in nature.
% H0 R2 g7 G) ]: H; o' L' x# b$ U/ h. g$ G' o
Nature will always find its path, even without humans' involvement.
+ k/ s5 M- b" EThe ways nature evoving is by 'free will'. So basically I agree that someone may believe in god, someone may believe in Budda, someone may believe in A La, ....even a electron has its freedom to appear in any location from our confined knowledge on quantum mechanics.  Everyone must got the freedom to choose his way lah !
  U4 O) u3 M7 c, ~0 I3 v( C7 h$ O! }1 m2 S
It is my consolidation from my knowledge in science and history: freedom => changes => competition => efficient selection =>  progress => strength to survive. Applicable nearly to all aspect. 0 ~/ Y$ P$ ]  f" w
- r$ T* k* Y/ ^1 Z
Ha Ha, but I've more believe as the utimate development goal of the Universe is unknown, but the ultimate development goal of human being should be 真 善 美。
5 d0 T/ d* Y% V; G
  ]4 d* S- u- m% c$ @# w唔係 FA LUN GUNG 講既 真 善 忍 喎。
8 x# I, [3 ~9 n6 m# b: m& r5 @! R  P% r6 O% ^% Y9 l
請對宇宙給我們在思想上的自由常存感恩。 2 M* l* x. p! B' I) s- R2 w) o
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