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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 【正經嘢】有無諗過鐘唔鐘意香港呀?[樂+]
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Originally posted by 左輪仔 at 09:39 PM 09:39 PM:" }9 Q, n% |2 L6 e9 G& E) k

$ U+ O- t. n# r咁你係咩族人呀?我估你係馬拉人?5 U) Z4 R( }1 u

7 k6 p" f4 s+ o0 o4 Y[ Last edited by 左輪仔 on 2005-4-13 at 09:46 PM ]
: ^% }$ a% ^* i1 e0 L哇哇!!咁多謝啊~~~
Originally posted by crap at 2005-4-13 09:38 PM:/ i2 z* T9 ?) y- x2 j2 Q8 q

8 m2 u1 r* d8 \8 J7 @7 U% H$ ?+ }' D2 D5 P; r( H' }, z1 A: ]
呢度只係其中一句, 仲有3/40句.... 上車講到落車...
5 S, j7 E$ e; O+ H$ c. c* e
0 \! C7 F% l7 ^# j" [佢地好蠢嫁, 黎黎去去只識fuc.........
& r) ?! U' c  P. q5 j我只能夠講一句~~~they are crazy
Originally posted by crap at 2005-4-13 23:34:
" Y, {3 H! }7 j
: j& q) I( l1 H
  [8 |0 o2 C% a" S' A( ~9 _this is what i can here in a train in Australia....
' q/ p4 E! s4 h% s
) Z) S! k9 _$ o9 d) i& D"fuc, it's fucing hot and i've been waiting for this fucing train for 20 fucing minutes, fuc it, fuc it..."
# z  _, U2 |* E6 o5 H1 x

/ ^( Z8 B. o1 o: t# g20 mins?!!0 q8 C, L. a6 I7 d( D
I wait for a train for more than 45 mins.. as.. I was taking train at about 5pm..... in weekdays....
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by toro at 2005-4-13 09:05 PM:
) x) g$ B$ {7 b  A8 I2 l% h$ u% [/ L5 U# L
, l/ Y. C8 j1 G& W& E& p
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-4-14 12:01 AM:/ h9 P+ q/ ~" d, R0 `
4 w2 R5 u! j! p

  t  Q- m2 n: \! e* h8 M; ^: |* L20 mins?!!; Q& @6 H: z; V
I wait for a train for more than 45 mins.. as.. I was taking train at about 5pm..... in weekdays....
& C5 Q' j) D# P" n; w5 q
4 h0 Q# N0 y+ K( H/ n
poor you....
; T8 d0 G* r$ C' d7 H( }were u going to suburb?, O# j: b" ]7 F0 i" M8 ]

* K5 {: b: I" O; Ywell...Australians 唔捱得 ga ma....5 N8 K! x) l3 q* i4 R
look at them... they close the shops at 6.......
Originally posted by crap at 2005-4-14 08:49:
' S7 A$ g) [8 x) `  E  v
) M: h( g# x) \3 [" N2 K+ `  A8 C3 |1 c* a" ]* l* C  t
poor you....
) D5 Z5 g. ?8 \! O; J# gwere u going to suburb?
6 V7 G* z# c/ s6 B- l6 M3 w0 |* A# e- L
well...Australians 唔捱得 ga ma....& H+ X9 I3 w: }7 U0 k* n# L
look at them... they close the shops at 6.......
5 l' }& H; ~$ P: C" s" [+ C
7 p1 E0 f8 ^. s. Y
yes, City to Hurstville, ..the suburb where I am living.....
- w6 R3 O8 S, S! `8 X7 G' mwell.. Hurstville is the largest suburb in south part in Sydney....
9 h( ?% F% r1 l- G. F: I  v) D, J2 Q/ H. R/ X$ R! {4 n1 L0 n4 H
30,000 people+ live in Hurstville...; p- B- G$ M% P& b7 X* v
and .. countrylink train would stop in Hurstville.....
3 \$ t" r; o. Y1 p1 T9 x* q5 R: f3 ^# |# \/ D
it was crazy that day.. finally we knew... that..... (from train assistants)...
0 Q1 u" @: V* j' R2 I5 z  ythey couldn't find the train driver in pervious station.... .. so all the trains were stucked....
: u3 K% @: J3 [& g- `% K! p
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by crap at 2005-4-14 08:49:1 B3 v9 f1 r, A2 v

) m0 ]5 @8 d' o3 h' b& W( v2 n1 \7 H0 H4 U# N- V
poor you....
4 m/ z" m! J& [) U4 lwere u going to suburb?
' |8 k8 _( ~3 ^- g  r6 {  H, B  R4 l4 K: t1 E4 J
well...Australians 唔捱得 ga ma....3 c! f& p$ W$ R* m' V
look at them... they close the shops at 6.......
9 h; w9 ?' i# W( f- z) a7 \

. [3 W) R+ {& t  z! g; l2 f3 s6? Sydney @5.30, Weekends at 4.30pm..
" ^) ~4 }$ X* v# Zonly on Friday in Melbourne, closing @21.00, Thursday @21.00 in Sydney
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-4-14 10:16 AM:. r, f$ p3 d4 X; t3 \

8 v& T1 _7 j2 Y! Q* r3 a8 j7 C5 i; S, p6 p1 C8 p
6? Sydney @5.30, Weekends at 4.30pm..% C7 @$ ~% s. H6 c, Y2 I! Q" d; d! A, P
only on Friday in Melbourne, closing @21.00, Thursday @21.00 in Sydney
9 G! }# `) W1 N( Q# D
: t  U% @' q9 V! I. Bright... even in the city... rediculous...2 D" @0 ^4 o0 q0 E. M, z1 _( G
i was so pissed off when i arrived here...
5 a; N: Y0 @# B& w0 \: u: h, w8 C+ ]  Mlike i'm gonna be robbed if i'm going out after 7:00pm......
+ X# E+ `2 T9 m, C( r
Well, I am a little bit lucky to live in Hurstville, cos there are a lot of Chinese live in here....
/ ^: m/ A5 |# Y+ ]! q. ]. g$ ?) Nyou can have dinner in Around Hurstville area...( E! X% d# V$ o) i/ b% L
Coles (Supermarket) will be closing @12.00am weekdays, @10.00pm on weekends.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-4-14 10:52 AM:$ I2 B5 s+ j) E6 ]+ G& w
Well, I am a little ...
+ c4 M" x( m6 y( P
( d! e; Z  R# x! {$ w; m/ E4 o  B
i see...( i+ }  j; q% a- [" Z& G  h
well i dunno where the place is though
3 ]* q6 O: `/ G" N5 _+ h& xi'm lucky to be living in the city... if i'm living in suburb..
) V3 d: l: H$ ]1 u! w' Hi'm not gonna have a bloody road lamp in my street................/ ^8 A7 ]& d3 R, J3 t" E0 y
5 T. K2 H& o' b& a' ]
by the way- ?- v6 X: T6 H4 x" s/ F: Z
when will u go out for interview?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 【正經嘢】有無諗過鐘唔鐘意香港呀?[樂+]

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