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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 失過眠o既人請入來吹水[積極回應者+5]
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my doc taught me b4, to count ur breath if u cant sleep & Q; r: ^. |7 S9 D6 L# a. C
+ @& x' M3 W- u: T. q
inhale- 15 e3 Q3 G: N& ?6 H% J( x
exhale- 25 Z; y. \$ F8 f. `$ l. O1 g1 A
inhale- 3
2 J6 F2 P3 T1 S: M& u. texhale- 4
; N; _4 \  M( q
9 A) W( V" @! G: Z0 _; Cetc la1 H* I. e! E- s; g  V; D* k2 c
8 w) r  o: b- R0 K" F
good luck brothers
有時一合起對眼, 就會諗起d恐怖野~ 咪訓唔到lo" d) h& Q# F' x5 n" B7 o/ l, Z
如果熄左燈, 我又驚到訓唔到 =.= ( 我好怕黑 )$ y4 J, V3 V/ c6 k
' X7 _# m- G& m( K個日飲左杯珍珠奶茶,5 [4 |9 s. a% S; u6 @; m( w" j
4 l3 H8 ~0 V8 a6 u1 }% O係到睇電視~~ 仲記得睇左熱門小馬 ( 3:00 )
* N/ H2 T. U6 e4 x' `1 m0 B7 t到 5:00 就訓左lu~
My worst is 4 hrs. I was going thru a lot ( getting married, about to change job and move to a new country, etc.). I can't sleep when I get lots of pressure.
3 _5 k2 C; t+ T1 ~! z' X3 t8 w! ]* {% s
I realize if I go for light exercise during the day (like running/speedwalking at park for 1/2 hr) my chances of insomia is less. (Don't exericse within an hour of your bed time! It keeps your metabolism up and you won't be able to sleep!).) _$ z. J& m0 w9 G% w! h5 Y' B
4 S: [! t) Z# F" e5 M' v
Reading a novel (not something too entertaining like 1 magazine or hard like textbook) helps a bit too.
: P/ S3 M: L6 D! @$ }& B) ^6 L3 |: X+ W1 t  X
I usually get up to my study and read when I can't sleep (don't want to wake up my wife). Staying up in bed for more than 1 hr would only make it worse.
2 S# n+ b) w# |1 b$ q! v
, J, r4 Y: J1 n; }! ?7 f. WAnother time both my wife and I can't sleep....we ended up having sex and went to sleep soon after we're done. Too tired.

also i sleeps 4 to 6hrs i watch TV until 2:30am
ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam
Mobile suit Embedded Tactical EnfORcer
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 失過眠o既人請入來吹水[積極回應者+5]

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