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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持
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Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-6-22 02:12 AM:
1 c+ Q( }# u( L' f7 f. K! Cdon't mention it...." V) W/ j: }! z; ^5 B

1 w3 q3 O4 U! e0 l, ~let's talk tonight (you afternoon time)- ?9 p! X( G5 q1 ~% n# Z% w/ N: Q

+ s* q5 Y( }4 @  \. L1 r6 |nite...gretz.
: P$ g0 Q" o; o3 G. N
no worries mate.
# e& J! s6 |! P7 P& Z& V) r1 B/ E9 W, H1 u0 Z! N
ps. dont be the guy inside your avatar pic, you should change it to something that gives you more life inspiration.
Originally posted by 左輪仔 at 2005-6-22 02:24 AM:4 H  @$ H9 J/ r  J( t
$ Q6 B' M3 |$ K! k
Vivi & Gretz, still here?
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
It seems like DukDuk had returned
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Vivi, forgot to answer your car question. Your sis is poor. Can only afford a Honda Civic, which is a reliable little car that gets me from pt A to pt B.
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Gretz is back.........check in...
+ C% |  k8 S8 k% Y, p0 g/ {9 X7 b9 n
Did you guys notice the email address of the resurreted Duk Duk is [email protected]!
" W+ `0 R# g: d* R5 t
. w" ~0 q1 }8 E: U$ x7 qInteresting....there are still some unresolved feelings.
  N1 `9 n' g) c) h+ _* J
: P4 G$ w  _- C' Q[ Last edited by Gretzky on 2005-6-22 at 06:08 AM ]

Good day Gretz, still there?
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-6-22 06:03 AM:6 S1 v; @7 M& j5 Q
Gretz is back.........check in...
9 |8 r  u9 d8 T3 R...
* z( I7 |8 B( h$ ^  h5 u/ V! n* F( f! |+ T
That's ok. It's normal for a person to hold grudges sometimes.
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持

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